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Title: | 社區營造共用資源自主治理之研究-以臺北市木柵二期重劃區為例- Research on placemaking and self-governance in common-pool resources using the example of the Muzha second redevelopment zone in Taipei |
Authors: | 吳軍湛 Wu, Chun Chan |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 Ben, Tai Ming 吳軍湛 Wu, Chun Chan |
Keywords: | 社區發展 社區營造 共用資源 自主治理理論 社會生態系統 Community Development Placemaking Common-pool resources Self-governance Theory Social-Ecological Systems |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-13 11:15:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣自1994年起由文建會推動社區營造,有別於中央主導的方式,,試圖以「在地行動」、「由下而上」的核心概念,讓社區發展以在地居民需求為導向,自發性地營造出各具特色的社區。但社造是涉及許多共用資源管理的複雜議題,早期臺灣地區居民缺乏社造經驗,參與公共事務的意願不高,加上未有一套完整的模式進行輔導,導致二十年來實際成功之案例並不多見。近年來隨著公眾議題發燒,臺灣民眾自主意識提升、開始重視公共事務,正是積極發展社造之際。但環顧國內社區對於共用資源的管理,能在期盼有一套良好的制度或模式得以依循。
本研究案例木柵二期重劃區,其自主組織「木柵二期重劃區促進發展協進會」透過社會生態系統(Social-Ecological System;以下簡稱SES)的應用,有效將自主治理理論(Self-governance Theory)運用於社造,用以解決共用資源的問題,甚至曾受邀請至世界衛生組織(WHO),分享成功經驗。但本研究發現,將自主治理理論應用於社造之研究竟付之闕如,更沒有一套可供社造工作者參考的模型。故本研究試圖以木柵二期重劃區為案例,建立一套社造自主治理之量化模型。 本研究整理自主治理領域的相關文獻後發現,自主治理的研究雖以質化研究為主,但隨著SES的演進與簡化,是有建立量化模型之可能性。故本研究先對本案例「木柵二期重劃區」進行深度訪談及問卷調查,匯整其成功自主治理之社造沿革、社造過程、社造結果的要素,並將其與SES各種核心子系統進行對應,發現有其適用性。據此,再參考2014年的架構,提出資源體系、資源單體、治理體系、參與者四個構面皆顯著影響作用情境之假設,建立本案例之社造社會生態系統模型,於2014年11月對區內20歲以上居民發放問卷。 因素分析的結果顯示,模型整體的建構效度良好;但核心子系統需修正為三個(因本案例之資源體系與資源單體的重疊性較高,故歸納為資源體系稱之)。其次,迴歸分析驗證之結果亦顯示本案例所提出之資源體系、參與者顯著影響作用情境,此兩個假設獲得支持;另外由於當初將治理體系的設定為地方政府,將自主治理組織木柵二期重劃區促進發展協進會歸納為參與者,導致結果顯示治理體系不會顯著影響作用情境。 故本研究的結果顯示,透過SES模型將自主治理理論導入社造是一條可行的方式,然社造的議題涉及層面與考量因素甚廣,且於世界各地亦有許多官方、民間的組織仍不斷的實作以及推廣。唯本研究僅以自主治理理論是否可導入社造為角度切入,與當前主流理論不盡相同,須就其優缺點、以及對現象的解釋力進行比較,然受限於本研究之時間、人力、成本,仍待後續研究者的協助。 研究者本身為協進會理事長,經由近十年之實務操作經驗,並透過本研究之驗證,深知社造之特徵實與自主治理理論概念相近、本研究所建立之社造SES模型,亦有良好的建構效度。故期望能將此實證建構之模型推廣到更多地區,建立社造成功的模式、營造更多桃花源般的社區,使人安住休息,並希望人類從此幸福、和諧、安康。 Ever since 1994, the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) in Taiwan has pro-moted a placemaking movement totally different from the programs previously offered. With the core concepts of “local activities” and “bottom-up” in mind, the movement aims to help develop the communities around the island that could meet the demands of the local residents and automatically display their unique-ness. In the early days, however, the residents in Taiwan did not seem to get very actively involved in public affairs and have access to a good model to follow. Successful cases were rare in the past two decades. In the recent years, public issues have been under heated discussion and autonomous consciousness, raised among the general public. The time has come to develop the placemaking. Considering the management of common-pool resources involved with placemaking and the people’s total lack of the experience, a good system or model is needed to follow. However, the problems faced with the management of common-pool resources, home or abroad, have not been solved, either through the free market or the government centralization, until 1990 when Ostrom proposed his self-governance theory. But no research has been found on the application of self-governance theory to placemaking so far. Taking this into account, this research is intended to apply self-governance theory to the placemaking in “the second phase of re-planning the Mu-zha District” as an example. Through depth interviews and questionnaire survey, this study tries to know how residents themselves have worked on their placemaking, what are the key factors for their success, and, further, have a good grip of how their self-governance organization—The Community Development Association of the Second Phase of Re-planning the Mu-zha District —has applied self-governance theory to the placemaking so successfully. To illustrate, first, through depth interviews with experts, scholars, and local opinion leaders, this researcher collected the data on the evolution of placemaking in the second phase of re-planning the Mu-zha District, its process and outcomes, finding that “community resources in place” and “leaders with strong leadership” are the key factors for residents’ high satisfaction. Then, in the qualitative study, this researcher compared each of the counterparts both in self-governance system and social-ecological system (SES), finding that the self-governance theory has its applicability. Next, to establish a SES framework suited for this study, this researcher adapted the SES set by McGinnis and Ostrom in 2014 and proposed the resource system, the resource unit, the governance system and participants for factor anal-ysis. In November, 2014, questionnaires were handed out to the district residents aged 20 and over. Through factor analysis, it is found that the construct validity of the so-cial-ecological system for this study is good. Since there is a considerable overlap between the resources system in this study and the resources unit, we called them the resources system. The regression analysis also concludes that the resources system and participants proposed in this study are gaining support. Because the hypothesis of governance system in this research is local government, the inhab-itant trusts the Development Association; therefore the governance system cannot obviously affect the focal action situation. With one decade’s practical experience in the placemaking and through the verification of this study, this researcher, also the chairman of Community De-velopment Association realizes that the features of placemaking are quite close to the concept of self-governance theory. And the construct validity of the estab-lished SES in this study also proves to be good.It is therefore highly expected that the model of placemaking proposed in this study could be promoted to more re-gions around the whole world in the hope of building more wonderful communi-ties, where people could live peacefully and happily. |
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