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    Title: 前瞻性行為與工作-家庭衝突:邊界理論的應用
    Proactive Behavior and Work-Family Conflict: the perspective of Boundary Theory
    Authors: 陳紀凱
    Chen, Ji Kai
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Kuo, Chien Chih
    Chen, Ji Kai
    Keywords: 前瞻性行為
    proactive behavior
    boundary theory
    boundary strength
    technology use
    work-family conflict
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-07-13 11:14:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在高度競爭的全球化環境下,僅僅被動完成工作指令的員工,已不足以支持組織的生存,因而個體的前瞻性行為,對於組織的重要性與日俱增。然而,過去研究大多只注重前瞻性行為於工作場域的作用,鮮少比較前瞻性行為外溢至不同情境中,可能產生的效果差異。因此,本研究同時將個體的工作場域與家庭場域納入考量,以邊界理論為框架,探討前瞻性行為與工作-家庭衝突的關聯,更進一步提出個體通訊科技產品的使用,以及個體建構的邊界強度可能存在的調節效果。本研究採時間間隔的方式,以問卷調查法施測,共得189份有效樣本,研究結果發現,前瞻性行為外溢至家庭場域中,不僅不會造成更多時間基礎、壓力基礎衝突,還能減少行為基礎衝突的發生,並且在前瞻性行為與時間基礎衝突的關聯上,家庭邊界強度能夠調節科技使用的調節效果,形成三階調節效果,即科技使用對於前瞻性行為與時間基礎衝突的關聯的影響,在個體家庭邊界強度高的狀況下最強。最後,針對本研究之結果進行討論,並說明理論貢獻、管理意涵、研究限制與未來建議。
    Due to highly competitive environment of global economy, employee’s proactive behavior becomes even more critical for organizations’ survival. However, most research focused on the effect of proactive behavior only in workplace, seldom research investigated the possible different effect when proactive behavior spillover to other context, such as family context. As a result, current study applied the theoretical framework of boundary theory, examined the relationship between proactive behavior and work-family conflict, which takes both work and family context into consideration. Our research further proposed the use of communication and information technology and boundary strength constructed by individual as moderator. We conducted time-lag questionnaire survey to test our hypothesis, which generated 189 valid data.
    Contrary to our hypothesis, result showed that proactive behavior did not cause individual to experience more time-based and strain-based conflict, but it even lead individual to experience less behavior-based conflict. Moreover, proactive behavior, technology use and family boundary strength interacted in a way that the strongest moderating effect of technology use between proactive behavior and time-based conflict occured when individuals were high in their family boundary strength, which is a three-way interaction. Based on our findings, we discussed our theoretical contributions, practical implications, limitation and directions for future research.
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