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Title: | 因應聯名品牌策略之研究-供應商觀點 Strategic Responses to Co-branding Strategy- Manufacturers’ Perspective |
Authors: | 張慈芳 Chang, Tzu Fang |
Contributors: | 于卓民 Yu, Chwo Ming 張慈芳 Chang, Tzu Fang |
Keywords: | 聯名品牌 co-brand |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-13 11:04:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 通路自有品牌產品興起已有多年,但在過去,通路商是以較被動的方式將其代工廠商之名稱與地址寫於包裝後方,消費者若不仔細看,並不容易發現;而近年來,通路商更將其知名的代工廠商之商標直接印於包裝正面或反面,使消費者在看到架上的商品時,便可以看到此商品是由哪一家廠商製造的。此為通路商與供應商進行「聯名品牌」(co-brand)。
根據研究結果,供應商因應聯名品牌產品之差異化策略參考項目為:「產品包裝形式」、「產品包裝外觀」、「產品內容物外觀」、「產品上架排面及店內擺放位置」、「產品價格」、「產品口味」、「產品香味」。以此參考項目檢視供應商Viva萬歲牌(聯華旗下子品牌)、華元及美珍香,發現Viva萬歲牌因應通路商之差異化程度為最高,華元與美珍香則持平。本研究依供應商在差異化方面尚未做到或能做更好之處給予建議。又本研究另一發現為:(1)在7-Select之聯名品牌中,供應商的商標(Viva)是放於產品包裝之後方;而在家樂福之聯名品牌中,供應商的商標(Viva、華元)皆是放於產品包裝之前方,故本研究推測此差異與通路商、供應商雙方之談判力大小有關。(2)公司資源越多者,傾向推出種類多樣化越高與差異化越高之產品,聯華在資本額、員工人數上都較華元為多,於產品種類多樣化與差異化皆較華元高,但美珍香因本身有自己的通路,其產品能與通路商做區隔,不採取與名品牌產品差異化之行動。 The establishment of the private brand has passed for so many years. In the past, the distributors were passively put the name of the manufacture at the back of its package. If the customers didn’t see it clearly, they can’t figure the name of the manufactures. However, in the recent years, the distributors put the logo of the manufacture in either the front or the back of the package in order to get the quality guarantee from the manufacture. Therefore, the customers now can easily see the private label brand product is made by which manufacture. This is called the co-brand, co-branding strategy between private label brand and manufactures’ brand.
The research is done through collecting secondary data about the difference of the products between co-brand and manufactures’ brand (Including “product price”, “package format”, “the appearance of the package”, “the place in the store”, “the appearance of the content”, etc.) and also ask some interviewee about the “brand recognition” between co-brand and manufactures’ brand(Including taste difference and the perspective). Finally, base on these data, come out with the checklist and suggestion for the manufactures to make differentiation strategy to deal with co-brand from the distributors.
The result for the research is to come out the checklist for the manufactures to make differentiation strategy to deal with co-brand from the distributors and they are:, “package format”, “the appearance of the package”, “the appearance of the content”“ placement in the store”, “the price of the product”, “the taste of the product”, and “the smell of the product.” Use this checklist to check the manufactures (“Viva”, “Hwa Yuan”, “Bee Cheng Hiang”in this research and found out that “Viva” is the highest in differentiation. “Hwa Yuan” and “Bee Cheng Hiang” are the same. We provide the improvement suggestion to the manufactures to make better differentiation strategy. Other points for the discovery of the research (1) The manufacture’s logo that put at the back of the package (7-Select) and put at the front of the package (Carrefour) is because of the difference of the bargaining power for the manufacture. (2) Company that has more resources tends to release more kind of products with the higher differentiation degree. For example, Lianhwa has higher differentiation degree than Hwa Yuan and more on both paid-up capital and number of employees. As the Bee Cheng Hiang, it has its own distribution channels. So, it can make differentiation effectively. 摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 4
第三節 研究流程及章節介紹 5
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 產品差異化 8
第二節 供應商因應連鎖通路之策略 9
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究架構 25
第二節 個案研究方法與資料蒐集 26
第四章 聯名品牌個案探討 31
第一節 個案公司簡介 31
第二節 個案探討 35
第三節 總結比較 53
第五章 結論與建議 59
第一節 研究結論 59
第二節 研究建議 64
參考文獻 68 |
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1. Viva萬歲牌官網。網址:http://viva.lianhwa.com.tw
2. 華元食品股份有限公司官網。網址:www.hyfoods.com.tw/
3. 7-SELECT 官方網站。網址:http://www.7-11.com.tw/7design/index.asp
4. 美珍香股份有限公司官網。網址:http://www.beechenghiang.com.tw
5. 家樂福股份有限公司官網。網址:http://www.carrefour.com.tw
6. 經濟部商業司工商登記資料(聯華食品工業股份有限公司)。網址:http://gcis.nat.gov.tw/pub/cmpy/cmpyInfoAction.do?method=detail&banNo=07569627
7. 經濟部商業司工商登記資料(華元食品股份有限公司)。網址:http://gcis.nat.gov.tw/pub/cmpy/cmpyInfoAction.do?method=detail&banNo=56676194
8. 經濟部商業司工商登記資料(台灣美珍香有限公司)。網址:http://gcis.nat.gov.tw/pub/cmpy/cmpyInfoAction.do?method=detail&banNo=12940464 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 102363024 103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102363024 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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