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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/76304
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    Title: 台灣有機產業服務缺口之研究:以PZB模型為架構
    An Empirical Investigation of the Service Gaps of the Organic Agriculture Industry in Taiwan: Taking the PZB Model as Framework
    Authors: 陳英君
    Trijayanti, Chintya Dewi
    Contributors: 羅明琇
    Chintya Dewi Trijayanti
    Keywords: 有機產業
    organic agriculture industry
    the PZB Model
    organic chain stores
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 17:22:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著消費者行為的快速變化以及消費者對服務品質的要求提高,提供高品質的服務已經成為企業重要的策略。本研究透過「PZB 模型」從服務提供者和消費者兩個角度來探討台灣有機產業裡存在的服務缺口。
    Facing rapid changes of customer behavior and increasing customers demand on service quality, delivering high quality service is adapted as an important strategy in businesses. This study applies the PZB Model to investigate the service gaps in the organic industry in Taiwan from the perspective of both service providers and customers.
    In recent years organic chain stores have become an important distribution channels for organic products. Therefore, organic chain store companies and organic chain stores customers are selected to be respondents. Using case study method, this study collects and analyzes data by collecting literature review, gathering secondary data, and conducting interviews with organic chain store companies and customers. The findings can serve as reference to future improvement in the industry.
    This study finds that current companies still use passive approaches to understand customer demands. Since most of companies in this industry are small and medium enterprises, limited capabilities and resources often become barriers when fulfilling customer demands. Companies are lacking of service performance measurement and quality improvement program. All of these situations can cause the existence of service gaps. Other findings showed that in general organic customers already have an understanding of the organic concept. However, the industry still needs efforts to communicate with people who currently aren’t customers. Product information, product quality, and price become important considerations for customers in assessing service quality in this industry. Moreover, customer trust and confidence in organic products should be increased and became an important focus of the government as well as the management to stimulate industry growth.
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