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    Title: 外援對性別平等的影響:以政變以後的宏都拉斯為例,2009-2014
    The Impact of Foreign Aid on Gender Equality: A Case Study of Honduras after the coup d`etat 2009-2014
    Authors: 史美晴
    Salgado, Maryoriet Nicole Rosales
    Contributors: 張文揚
    Chang, Wen Yang
    Maryoriet Nicole Rosales Salgado
    Keywords: 外援
    Foreign Aid
    Gender Equality
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 15:06:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 性別平等是指在公平的機會,責任和報銷提供給男性和女性的分佈。性別平等擁抱平等的待遇在教育,衛生和政治機會的男女,對於家庭,社區內獲得資源和服務,以及整個社會。
    Gender equality refers to justice in the distribution of opportunities, responsibilities, and reimbursements available to men and women. Gender equality embraces equal treatment of women and men in education, health and political opportunities, regarding access to resources and services within families, communities, and society at large.
    When women are empowered, development occurs, benefiting entire communities and nations. In the past decade, gender equality has become a central aspect in the execution of development projects around the globe. Countless efforts and strategies have been implemented in order to meet the needs of the world’s poorest women. Despite the international organizations ́ interest and investment in affirming women’s equal opportunities, there are still several women suffering from the consequences of inequality, especially in developing countries. In Honduras women, specifically from poor and marginalized backgrounds, are exposed to relentless hardship and fewer resources just for being born as women.
    This study seeks to analyze the impact foreign aid has on gender equality in Honduras after the coup d’etat in 2009, focusing on three specific variables education, measured by primary and secondary enrollment rates, health, with a clear focus on maternal mortality ratios and the impact of foreign aid on empowerment, measured by the proportion of seats held by women in the national parliament. To achieve this particular objective the method of inquiry is primarily qualitative, based on documental analysis and continuous reliance on international reports and data.
    Key words: Gender Equality, Honduras, education, health, empowerment, foreign aid.
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