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Title: | 不動產廣告策略與預售屋價格關係之研究 The Study of Relationship between Real Estate Advertising Strategy and Pre-sale House Price |
Authors: | 李尚華 Lee, Shang-Hua |
Contributors: | 林秋瑾 江穎慧 Lin, Vickey Chiu Chin Chiang, Ying Hui 李尚華 Shang-Hua Lee |
Keywords: | 廣告策略5M模式 Granger因果關係分析 廣告量 媒介型態 預售屋價格 Advertising Strategy 5M Mode Granger Causality Analysis Amount of advertising Media Pattern Pre-sale House Prices |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-01 14:58:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2004年-2013年,台北市及新北市預售屋房價分別上漲134%及188%,同期間,每年的不動產廣告量亦高達40-70億元。國內房價高漲,是肇因於不動產行銷技術,亦或是總體經濟的變化?本研究以Kotler的廣告策略5M模式及特徵價格法為理論基礎,透過時間序列向量自我迴歸(VAR)模型之Granger因果關係分析,及複迴歸模型分析,探討廣告量、媒介型態、總體經濟等變數,是否與預售屋價格上漲相關。
另外,透過向量自我回歸的實證結果得知,媒體效用排名以廣播最佳、雜誌次之,戶外看板第三、報紙第四,有線電視最後。本研究之實證結果迥異於代銷業界過去媒介使用之行銷經驗,該結果亦可作為業界未來選擇行銷媒介工具之參考。 During the years 2004 to 2013, the pre-sale house prices, In Taipei City and New Taipei City, have risen by 134% and 188% respectively. At the same period, the real estate advertising expends about 4-7 billion dollars per year. Domestic real estate prices high are prompted from real estate marketing strategy, or changes in the overall economic? In our study, Kotler"s advertising strategy 5M mode and the hedonic price model for theory based, by the time series Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model of Granger causality analysis, and the multiple regression model analysis to explore the amount of advertising, media patterns, overall economic and other variables, is associated with the pre-sale house prices.
The empirical results through progressively multiple regression models, in con-sideration of the business cycle variables, In Taipei city, each spend 1 million dollars advertising expenses make pre-sale house prices to 1500 dollars high. In new Taipei city, each spends 1 million dollars advertising expenses will make pre-sale house prices around 600 dollars. But in the down-cycle the amount of advertising is limited relatively on the pre-sale prices of the house.
In addition, through the Granger causality analysis results, the price effects ranking in the different media pattern-amount of advertising as follows: the first ranking is the media pattern of broadcast, the second one drop in the media pat-tern of magazines, the third one show in point of purchase advertising(POP), finally, the last one dip into newspapers and cable TV and so on. On the house price-media relationship our study makes different results with real world market. In the past, the real estate marketing agency, they use the media allocation more in newspapers, but our study show the amount of advertising more in broadcast. The price effect of media pattern can be referred by the real estate marketing agency industry. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 101923024 103 |
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