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    Title: 文官菁英文化與電子化參與-以計畫行為理論的觀點
    Elite Culture and E-Participation in the Public Sector – Perspectives from Theory of Planned Behavior
    Authors: 熊子翔
    Hsiung, Tzu Hsiang
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsiao, Naiyi
    Hsiung, Tzu Hsiang
    Keywords: 電子化參與
    Theory of Planned Behavior
    Elite Culture
    Organizational Culture
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 14:57:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 資訊與通訊科技的發達,公部門將其應用在公民參與,形成電子化參與。然而,由於政策議題的複雜使得一般大眾對其不甚了解而選擇冷漠,一般大眾將此種複雜的議題交給公部門中的行政菁英作決策,長久以來形成菁英文化。雖然近年來,文官致力於推展電子化參與,但電子化參與所獲得的網路民意,多半具有非理性、瑣碎、情緒化等特性,可能促使公部門菁英文化更加顯著,而影響電子化參與的推展。為了解公部門菁英文化是否會影響文官電子化參與的推展,利用計畫行為理論為研究架構。然而,由於計畫行為理論經常用於非組織內行為的研究,因此忽略組織無形因素的影響(例如:組織文化),因此本研究在利用計畫行為理論為研究架構檢視文官推展電子化參與時,特別納入菁英文化。本研究以文官推展網路民意論壇為研究範圍,採用問卷調查法,以非隨機抽樣,發放250份問卷,回收185份,回收率為74%,有效問卷為179份。
    The civil servants have set into e-participation due to the fast development of information communication technologies (ICTs). However, because the public can’t understand policy domain knowledge in decision making, they expect the civil servants to cope with these professional matters. This long-term dependence on the civil servants and their expertise may foster the elite culture in the public sector and the elite culture has also impact on the civil servants’ intention for e-participation. In my thesis, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) is used to design and survey the above-mentioned elite culture situation for the public servants dealing with e-participation. The survey focuses on the civil servants’ intention and behavior of handling e-forum. 250 copies of questionnaires (non-probability sampling) are distributed and 185 copies returned, with 179 valid responses.
    Through data analysis, there are three key research findings. First, the majority of the existing research includes the physical organizational factors such as organizational resources. However, many previous studies do not include the implicit organizational factors such as organizational climate, organizational culture. Second, elite culture has general impact on the civil servants’ intention of setting into e-forum. However, only the civil servants’ evaluation of citizens’ policy expertise has impact on the intention; the other concepts fail to affect their attitude. Third, the study proposes to add elite culture to the existing TPB framework when we study the civil servants’ intention of setting into e-forum.
    To change elite culture’s impact on the civil servants’ intention, my thesis addresses three pragmatic suggestions. First, the civil servants can change their perspectives of elite culture through the scenario workshop. Second, the institutionalization of e-participation can enhance the quality of public opinions. Third, the enhancement of the civil servants’ ability of public opinions analysis and efficiency of organization resources can contribute to their performance of e-participation. The following research suggestions are recommended, including improving the representative of samples, studying multiple cases of e-participation, applying structural equation modeling and qualitative methods, studying the potential mediating variables between elite culture and subjective norm, and studying the moderating variables between elite culture and intention.
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