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    政大典藏 > College of Law > Department of Law > Theses >  Item 140.119/76225
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    Title: 群眾募資法制之研究- 以P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資平台為中心
    A Study of the Regulation of Crowdfunding: Focusing on Crowdfunding Platform of P2P Lending and Equity Model
    Authors: 趙毓馨
    Contributors: 林國全
    Keywords: P2P借貸
    P2P Lending
    Equity Crowdfunding
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 14:54:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資(即所謂金融回報型群眾募資)在過去五年間快速地成長,被認為係使中小企業及新創公司可有效率籌資之工具。為維持其制度之功能-籌資之效率性,在對籌資公司或平台之規範強督不宜過高,以降低其法規遵循成本。惟由於投資P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資伴隨許多種類之風險,故在降低對籌資公司或平台之法規遵循負擔時,投資人保護之問題亦不可忽視,如何在此二者間達成平衡,為監管上之重要議題。



    P2P lending and equity crowdfunding (so called “financial return crowdfunding,” FR crowdfunding for short), having grown rapidly in the last 5 years, are considered as an efficient vehicle for funding small and medium enterprises as well as start-ups. For maintaining the function of FR crowdfunding that is the efficiency of raising fund, it’s not appropriate to put strong regulations on the enterprises needing fund and the platforms of FR crowdfunding. However, because investing in FR crowdfunding associates with several types of risks, while reducing the burdens of the enterprises or platforms on compliance with the regulations, the issue of investor protection also cannot be ignored. How to balance between these two topics mentioned above is an important issue on the regulations of FR crowdfunding.

    Firstly, this article introduces the regulations on FR crowdfunding in U.S., Britain and Japan where P2P lending or equity crowdfunding has developed or is developing. Secondly, in the regulation of Taiwan, the article presents the regulation on equity crowdfunding of Taiwan first and make some comments, referred to the foreign regulations mentioned above. Afterwards, the article analyzes the problems, encountered on the existing laws, such as the Banking Law, and studies how to regulate P2P lending, if P2P lending is introduced to Taiwan.

    In the section of the equity crowdfunding, Taipei Exchange (GreTai Securities Market) started Incubation Board for Startup and Acceleration Firms (GISA) in January 2014 whose function is similar to that of the equity crowdfunding platforms. In 2015, Financial Supervisory Commission declared that securities brokers are permitted to operate platforms of equity crowdfunding (called private platforms hereinafter) once the securities brokers are authorized by the competent authority. Both GISA and private platforms are regulated by the regulations issued by Taipei Exchange. The functions and the regulation structures of GISA and private platforms are similar. When GISA and private platforms operate in a double-track way in the future, there are some problems like the insufficiency of market segmentation and risk control. Because upon the regulations, Taipei Exchange also supervises the private platforms, there exists a problem of interest conflict. Moreover, the regulations of GISA and private platforms also have common issues. About the protection of investor, firstly, whether the remedy regulations of other laws could apply for the investors of GISA and private platforms, except for the anti-fraud regulation of Securities and Exchange Act, is not clear so far. Secondly, there are also some discussions on the regulation of investment cap like the approach to calculate and verify the cap, the necessity of the measure of resale limitation, etc. About the enterprises raising fund on the GISA or private platforms, there are some discussions on whether the cap of raising fund should be higher and whether those enterprises should be permitted to offer preferred stock to raise fund, etc. About the platform, concerning to the regulations on the private platforms, there are some discussions on the industry access regulation, the feasibility of nominee structure, the operation of single business and the acts prohibited by the regulation, etc.

    In the section of the P2P lending, the article notes that before the problem, whether the borrowers or the platforms under different business models be considered as doing the business of accepting deposits under the Banking Law, could be clarified, it’s afraid that P2P lending cannot be introduced to Taiwan smoothly. This problem could be solved by the amendment of the current Banking Law or by the legal interpretations issued by the competent authority of Banking Law. About the regulations to the P2P lending platforms, whether the P2P lending platforms are considered as a financial institution affects which laws or regulations the P2P lending platforms might obey. However, for promoting the development of P2P lending, the article thought even if P2P lending platforms are considered as a financial institution, it’s necessary to set exceptions appropriately on it. By doing that, the purpose of P2P lending might not be destroyed by the heavy burden of compliance of regulations.

    About the protection of lenders, the regulations on P2P lending should include the issues on remedies of P2P lenders, investor investment cap, rating and precaution of risk, the supervision on the account of fund raised from lenders, information disclosure, whether the platforms should deposit reserves and set contingency fund, whether P2P lenders are protected by the deposit insurance, and the mechanism to deal with the loans still outstanding in case of the platform failure. However, the issue of balancing the lenders protection and the cost of regulatory compliance of the platforms still need to be considered. About how to regulate P2P lending, the article thinks that the business model of P2P lending is different from traditional lending model and that the P2P platforms are also different from the traditional financial institutions. Consequently, the article thinks that it’s appropriate to make laws or regulations singly for P2P lending.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻(按姓氏筆劃排列)


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    (四)Order, Research Paper, Regulation or Proposed Regulation issued by the competent authority of foreign countries

    1.United States
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    (五)The Internet

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    (二) 日本主管機關及證券業協會發布文件

    http://www.fsa.go.jp/common/diet/index.htm(最後瀏覽日期: 2014年12月2日)。
    2.日 本 証 券 業 協 会,株式投資型クラウドファンディング及びグリーンシート銘柄制度等に代わる新たな非上場株式の取引制度のあり方について-「非上場株式の取引制度等に関するワーキング・グループ」報告書,2014年6月17日, Website:http://www.jsda.or.jp/katsudou/kaigi/jisyukisei/gijigaiyou/houkokusyo_0617.pdf(最後瀏覽日期: 2014年12月2日)。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101651010
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Law] Theses

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