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    Title: 自閉症類疾患兒童自閉症狀變化與認知及適應行為關係之縱貫研究
    A Longitudinal Study of Autistic Symptom Severity and its Relation with Cognitive and Adaptive Functions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Authors: 許立懿
    Contributors: 姜忠信
    Keywords: 自閉症類疾患
    autism spectrum disorders
    autistic symptom developmental trajectory
    cognitive function
    adaptive behavior
    early social communication skill
    early intervention
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 14:52:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究目的:欲瞭解自閉症類疾患兒童,橫跨幼兒期、學齡前期至學齡期的自閉症狀發展軌跡,探究當中是否存有不同的發展軌跡,並檢視不同發展軌跡的群體在認知功能與適應行為隨時間的變化型態是否有差異,以及不同群體在早期的社會溝通能力或療育經驗上是否有差異。
    Purposes: the purpose of the study was to plot longitudinal developmental trajectories of autism symptom severity in the children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) from toddler age to school age. And to examine whether these different trajectories are associated with the cognitive function, adaptive behavior, early social communication skill, and early intervention experience.
    Methods: Thirty-seven children with ASDs and 24 children with developmental delay participated at time 1 (mean chronological age was 2.5 years old), and then followed at time 2 (mean chronological age was 4 years old) and time 3 (mean chronological age was 8.5 years old). The study assessed the autism symptom severity by ADOS and cognitive function by MSEL or WISC-Ⅳ at three time points; adaptive behavior by VABS-II at time 2 and time 3; and early social communication skills by T-STAT at time 1 and also used telephone interviews to record participants’ weekly intervention hours during time 1 to time 2.
    Results: In hierarchical cluster analysis, social affect calibrated severity score (CSS) could discriminate ASDs and Non-ASDs groups, also could divided ASDs into two groups, called persistent high and worsening groups. The social affect symptom severity increased at school age in both groups. On the other hand, the change of cognitive function and adaptive behavior with time showed similar pattern in the two groups. However, participants in the persistent high group have relatively lower scores of cognitive function and adaptive behavior, although did not rearch statistically significant. Furthermore, two ASDs groups at toddler showed difference in intention communication skills; however, only joint attention could predict social affect trajectory subgrouping.
    Conclusions: In summery, the study showed that persistent high group has more cognitive and adaptive function impairments than the worsening group in the children with ASDs. It seemed that the autistic symptom are not entirely independent with cognitive function and adaptive behavior. Moreover, the symptom severity increased at school age in both the persistent high and the worsening groups, and this trend was more significant in the worsening group. Additionally, the experience of early intervention showed no significant effects on developmental trajectories of social affect symptom; however, the joint attention was found to be an index to predict the development of social affect symptom in ASDs groups. The theoretical and clinical implications were discussed.
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