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Title: | 企業於建構與執行ISO 9001系統時支援型態對執行度與管理成效影響之研究─以製造業為例 |
Authors: | 葉啟忠 |
Contributors: | 張逸民 葉啟忠 |
Keywords: | ISO 9000國際品質管理系統標準 ISO 9001國際品質管理系統標準模式 ISO 9004指導綱要 支援型態 執行度 管理成效 |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-01 14:47:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 許多企業對全球一致認同的ISO 9000國際品質管理系統標準存在著只要通過ISO 9001第三者認證便可令企業營運績效提升的迷失,以為通過認證滿足顧客基本要求便可順利接單。固然正確,但如何面對全球競爭與如何有效管理以提升品質、降低成本、提升效率,持續改善企業管理成效、強化競爭力,達成企業持續成功、永續經營的目的?關鍵在於系統建構時有無如何將有效提升管理成效的執行、量測、監控、分析與改善的方法建立與文件化於企業規章制度中,並適時維護系統。否則,企業通過ISO 9001第三者認證後可能仍然無法幫助企業有效提升管理成效,最後變成沉重負擔甚至放棄。
本研究以問卷方式針對製造業於建構、執行ISO 9001系統時,有無借助外部專業顧問協助、最高管理者有無全程參與以及有無參照ISO 9004等三類形支援型態對於執行度與管理成效進行調查,透過統計分析了解外部專業顧問協助或最高管理者參與以及ISO 9004指導綱要對執行度以及管理成效之影響性。
本研究發現於建構與執行ISO 9001系統時給予之支援,有外部顧問者,對於執行度或管理成效以統計檢定無顯著差異;最高管理者有全程參與者,對於執行度也無顯著差異,而管理成效卻有顯著差異。而有參照ISO 9004者,無論對於執行度或管理成效均有顯著差異。因此,本研究建議企業於建構與執行ISO 9001系統時,雖可尋求外部專業顧問協助,但最高管理者應全程參與,更關鍵的是應參照ISO 9004指導綱要契合企業本身需要建構個別企業合適、正確、有效系統之建議,期企業持續改善管理成效,增強競爭力,達成持續成功、永續經營之目標。 There has been a myth that enterprises who have passed accreditation of international quality management system ISO9000 standards will immediately improve their operation performance. Usually it is customers who press enterprises to obtain ISO accreditation in order to become qualified suppliers. However, not every enterprise has experienced efficiency enhancement and performance improvement after being ISO accredited. Facing harsh international competition, international enterprises still have to confront issues such as quality improvement, cost reduction, efficiency enhancement, and continuous improvement to strengthen competitiveness and sustain growth. They key to success in international markets seems lie not only in obtaining ISO or other international accreditations. Instead, it lies in implementing effective management systems that include documentation, measurement, monitoring, analyses, and improvement of all the management processes.
It seems that there exists a gap between ISO accreditation and ensuing performance enhancement. This study uses questionnaires to survey manufacturing enterprises whether they have relied on external consultants, top management involvement, and ISO 9004 as implementation reference guidelines when developed and implemented ISO 9001. This study attempts to answer if all of these factors have played a key role in successfully launching and implementing ISO 9001 and help enterprises to improve their performance.
This study discovers that external consultants are neither a significant factor in assisting ISO launch and implementation, nor in improving performance. Top management involvement though is not a significant factor in assisting ISO launch and implementation but is a key one in making the system effective to improving performance. Reference to ISO 9004 implmentation guidelines is a significant factor in both ISO launch and implementation as well as ensuing performance improvement.
Based on these findings, this study recommends that during enterprise developing and implementing ISO 9001 systems, external consultants may be helpful, but top management involvement is important to make ISO 9001 systems effective, and reference to ISO 9004 implementation guidelines is crucial to successful implementation and effectiveness of ISO 9001 systems. 第一章 緒論----------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究動機與目的----------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究問題----------------------------------------- 4
第三節 研究貢獻----------------------------------------- 5
第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------- 6
第一節 ISO 9000 之緣起、目的與ISO 9001摘要------------- 6
第二節 ISO 9001:2008與ISO 9004:2009條款標題對照-----14
第三節 相關文獻的研究-----------------------------------18
第三章 研究方法-------------------------------------22
第一節 研究設計-----------------------------------------22
第二節 資料分析-----------------------------------------27
第三節 研究限制-----------------------------------------28
第四章 資料分析結果---------------------------------29
第一節 有無外界專業顧問協助對於ISO 9001執行度與管理成效之影響度分析---------------------------------31
第二節 最高管理者有無全程參與對於ISO 9001執行度與管理成效之影響度分析-------------------------------34
第三節 有無參照ISO 9004對於ISO 9001執行度與管理成效之影響度分析-------------------------------------37
第四節 有無提供支援之型態對於ISO 9001執行度與管理成效之影響度綜合分析-------------------------------40
第五章 結論與建議-----------------------------------42
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------42
第二節 研究建議-----------------------------------------45 |
Reference: | 中文部分
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 102932156 103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102932156 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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