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Title: | 市場風險值模型與應用 Market Risk Value-at-Risk Models and Applications |
Authors: | 廖偉成 Liao, Wei Cheng |
Contributors: | 謝明華 陳春龍 Hsieh, Ming Hua Chen, Chung Lung 廖偉成 Liao, Wei Cheng |
Keywords: | 巴塞爾協定 市場風險 風險值 調查 系統實務 The Basel Accord Market Risk Value-at-Risk Survey System Practices |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-01 14:44:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 銀行的存續有賴於能正確的評估有利的交易,以及能在經濟環境逆勢的時候仍然能夠有效的經營獲利。資本市場中的企業信用評級,影響著股票和債券的的價值,同時唯有完善的風險管理機制和資本,信評機構才可以正確的評價信用。
此論文從市場風險管理的歷史發展角度,完整回顧風險值理論及實務應用的相關文獻,涵蓋parametric及non-parametric 風險值模型。同時,對於市場風險管理系統以及實務建置的流程也有完整的介紹和探討,著重在趨勢、方法論及系統實務理論應用上。 The existence of a bank involves evaluating the advantages of potential trade and with the bank’s ability to survive under adverse economic cycles, which causes
market pressure. The credit rating of corporations in the market affects the market value of shares and bonds, and the rating agency requires high-risk management standards and the capitalization of the corporation to assess the proper credit rating.
The market price of a financial product determines the expected profit and loss for a bank. Based on the market price, a bank may make a decision to hold the position for a while or to build a well-diversified portfolio for hedging purposes. Banks therefore face the challenges of having many choices that they can transfer their market risk into different capital markets, and all decisions are associated with the market risk.
For these reasons, the bank has been responded to disclose the risk metrics that have been set by the financial system supervisor.
In 1993, G30 advised that banks should evaluate the financial risk of derivatives financial instruments by the Value-at-Risk (VaR) system. According to Basel Ⅱ in
1996, banks were required to have an internal model to measure sufficient capital using VaR. However, the calculation of VaR involves many tasks, such as the
selection of a large number of risk factors, the methodologies of generating zero curves, the valuation of financial instruments, sensitivity parameters, loss distribution estimations, portfolio management and risk management reports for compliance purposes. In recent years, because of hedging, arbitrage and speculation purposes, banks leverage a huge sum of money in the derivatives market and make the difficult for the risk management. After the 2008 global financial crisis, BaselⅢ was introduced which asked for financial institutions to strengthen credit derivatives in
trading books and disclose the stressed VaR etc. It is common that a bank has set up a risk management system to fulfill the requirements of the regulatory compliance,
governance and reporting. Usually, banks adopt the provider’s solution for the implementation of a market risk management system.
This dissertation surveys the literature on VaR theory and practices from a historical perspective for market risk. An overall survey of parametric and non-parametric VaR models is provided. The market risk management system and its implementation practices were also surveyed. Emphasis is placed on recent trends and developments in methodologies and system practices. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 97356505 103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0973565053 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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