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    Title: 自有品牌程度對營運績效之研究-考慮產品品質管理、市場導向及顧客關係管理之干擾效果
    How does the level of brand development affect operational performance- the correlation under three different moderators: Product Quality Management, Market Orientation and CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
    Authors: 吳依庭
    Wu, Yi Ting
    Contributors: 簡睿哲
    Jean, Ruey Jer
    Wu, Yi Ting
    Keywords: 代工轉自有品牌
    Product Quality Management
    Market Orientation
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 14:42:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣的廠商長期以出口導向的經濟活動為主,以代工路徑加入全球經濟活動並在世界分工體系中取得重要地位(Porter,1990; Amsden,1997; Gereffi,1998)。但面臨中國及其他東南亞低廉的勞力崛起,台灣廠商在代工毛利降低的趨勢下開始思考如何進行產業轉型,發展自有品牌以提升核心競爭力。本研究欲透過量化分析,了解台灣廠商在發展自有品牌的過程中自有品牌程度與營運績效的相關性,以及是否會因不同干擾變數而對上述結果有正或負面影響。


    The main economic activity of Taiwanese’s enterprises is export-oriented, these enterprises attend global economics as contract manufactures and thus gain the important position in the system of world’s distribution(Porter,1990; Amsden,1997; Gereffi,1998). But facing the rise of cheap labor force from China and other Southeast Asian countries, Taiwanese’s enterprises start turning to industrial upgrading under the trend of low margin, developing their own brand in order to raise the core competence. This research expects to figure out the correlation between the level of brand development and operational performance and several moderating effects during the brand cultivation process of Taiwanese’s enterprises with quantitative analysis.

    To understand the correlation between the level of brand development and operational performance under three different moderators: Product Quality Management, Market Orientation and CRM (Customer Relationship Management), this research selects 472 Taiwanese’s enterprises under branding process as research objectives to analyze different moderating effects.

    The result indicates there is no significant positive effect between the level of brand development and operational performance, but when enterprises invest more capital to manage product quality and market-oriented research, the positive correlation mentioned above will be strengthened. However, there is no significant effect between the level of brand development and operational performance regarding to different investment to CRM. The result contributes quantitative analysis to related academic field and reference value to enterprises interested in establishing their own brands.
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