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    Title: 從眾行為與化妝品購買意願之研究
    Conformity and Purchase Intention for Cosmetics
    Authors: 陳韻安
    Chen, Yun An
    Contributors: 陳建維

    Chen, Yun An
    Keywords: 參考群體
    Reference group
    Perceived Risk
    Conformity Behavior
    Purchasing intention
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 14:42:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   現今社會,化妝品已經不再是奢侈品且消費者的購買方式也漸漸改變,消費者購買前所做的決策也越來越複雜,考量因素也不盡相同,除了品牌、價格、品質等等之外,許多消費者也會透過詢問、搜尋產品的評價以及資訊來做為參考依據,甚至模仿他人的購買行為,從眾行為因此產生。


      Nowadays, cosmetics is no longer a luxury product and consumers’ buying methods are gradually changing. The decisions made by consumers before buying are more and more complex and considerations are not the same. In addition to brand, price, quality, many consumers will ask people and search for evaluation of the product and information for reference, and even imitat other’s buying behavior. These behaviors are called “Conformity”.

      This study is designed to analyze effects between reference groups, personal factors, perceived risk, conformity behavior and purchase intention. This is an empirical study and uses questionnaires. This study recouped 183 questionnaires to analyze with SPSS. Analyze data with descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis and regression statistical analysis. The main conclusions are as follows: 1.The reference has a significant positive impact on conformity behavior. 2. Personal trait has a significant positive impact on conformity behavior. 3. The performance risk of perceived risk has a positive impact on conformity behavior. 4. The conformity behavior has a significant positive impact on purchase intention. 5. Reference group, personal traits and perceived risks have a partial mediating effect of conformity behavior on purchasing intention.

      Overall, this study suggests manufacturers use the characteristics of conformity to expand the market and build brand. Providing the recommendations on marketing and publicity, such as manufacturers should use the word-of–mouth and recommendation and establish the internet community, as practical reference strategies.
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