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Title: | 台灣報紙再現同性婚姻的語料庫與論述分析(2005-2014) A corpus-assisted investigation to the representation of gay marriages in Taiwan`s newspapers (2005-2014) |
Authors: | 林意璇 Lin, Yi Xuan |
Contributors: | 王淑美 Wang, Su Mei 林意璇 Lin, Yi Xuan |
Keywords: | 同性婚姻 同志 再現 語料庫分析 批判論述分析 same-sex marriage gay representation corpus-driven analysis critical discourse analysis |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-01 14:41:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文旨在探討台灣新聞媒體對於同性婚姻議題的再現,觀察再現論述語言中的特性,包含新聞媒體如何建構同性婚姻議題,以及議題中的同志。亦試圖討論論述特性所隱含的權力關係或意識形態。接著,搭配社會政治脈絡背景,觀察再現論述隨社會變遷與婚姻平權運動發展所產生的變化,討論再現論述與社會之間的互動關係。 本研究以《中國時報》、《自由時報》、《聯合報》與《蘋果日報》為研究文本,蒐集2005~2014年共十年間的同性婚姻相關報導,先使用量化的語料庫分析法統計新聞用語和其頻率,再以此資料為基礎,挑出兩則代表性文本進行質性的批判論述分析。 研究發現,十年間皆存在的論述特性有:(一)反對方自我建構為「多數弱勢」;(二)生育能力為婚姻授權的一大關鍵;(三)同性婚姻與同志是二元對立中的他者。而過去十年間,媒體再現中最關注的是同性婚姻合法化。前五年主要將其描述為單向攻防戰,後五年則建構為勢均力敵的戰爭及國際趨勢。同志主體主要被以「同志遊說」論述來建構,同志的圖像是爭取權利的人。女同志性別被標示的頻率是男同志的1.5倍,顯示女同志受到性傾向與性別上的雙重不平等。另外,同志被視為是一種身分,且可能因為這個身分標籤,被分類為異性戀之外的他者。 論述變遷方面,研究發現整體而言後五年的消息來源比前五年來得多元,「異性戀」被標示的情形也增加了。再現論述的變化,代表著新聞產製與社會之間的互動,呼應了文化學者Hall提出的再現動態變化性。 The aim of this study is to investigate the representation discourse of same-sex marriage issue on the newspapers in Taiwan. The study focuses on the discourse characters, including how media construct same-sex marriage and gays’ image in this issue, and the possible power relationships and ideology within discourses. Besides, how discourses changed along with the social change and marriage equality movement development is also discussed. It relates to the interaction between representation discourse and society. The texts are the same-sex marriage related articles from 2005 to 2014, which are collected from four main newspapers in Taiwan: Chinatimes, Liberty Times, United Daily News and Apple Daily. The study method is first using corpus soft ware WordSmith6 to calculate the words appear in these texts and its frequencies, then basing on those quantitative data to further conduct qualitative discourse analysis. My findings indicate that over the past ten years, the characters of discourse includes the opponents would self-construct as “the disadvantaged majority”; Infertility is a key weakness which builds a wall between gays and marriage; same-sex marriage and gay are “the others” in the binary opposition discourse. Within these ten years, the most focused issue of same-sex marriage representation is legalization. During 2005-2009, same-sex marriage legalization was constructed as a castle war, and for 2010-2014, it was constructed as an evenly-matched war and international trend. Gay images in those discourses were mostly constructed with “the gay lobby” discourse. The gender of lesbians was marked more often than gay men, which shows lesbians suffering a double inequality on sex orientation and gender. Also, Gay was considered as an identity, and gays may be classified as “other” because of this identity label. During these ten years, the biggest news source was gay. Generally, the news sources were more diversified within 2010-2014 than within 2005-2009, and the frequency of “heterosexuality” noted increased. The change of discourses represent that the interaction between news production and society, responded to the flow of representation which is raised by Hall. |
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