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    Title: 翻「異」:鍾芭‧拉希莉《同名之人》中的離散經驗與身份認同
    Translating Hybridity: Diaspora and Identity in Jhumpa Lahiri`s The Namesake
    Authors: 李憲榮
    Lee, Shian Rong
    Contributors: 邱彥彬
    Chiou, Yen Bin
    Lee, Shian Rong
    Keywords: 鍾芭・拉希莉
    Jhumpa Lahiri
    The Namesake
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 14:40:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 鍾芭‧拉希莉(Jhumpa Lahiri)的小說《同名之人》(The Namesake, 2003)被視為近年來探討移民問題深刻的作品之一,書中描述移民家庭的新舊拉扯與兩代之間的文化難題。在此跨世代與跨文化背景下,拉希莉以文化翻譯者的角度述說移民過程中的困境、糾葛。
    第一章略述《同名之人》的梗概、介紹其相關評論與說明本論文理論架構。第二章藉由對當代翻譯理論的發展回顧建立對翻譯的重新認知;同時,也將詳述拉希莉與其作品以及翻譯的密切性。第三章檢視離散理念,進而分析離散主體在居間性(in-betweenness)中的文化翻譯。第四章透過對身份認同的探究,釐清翻譯對於離散主體身份建構的不可或缺性。第五章重新討論翻譯與起源(the origin)的問題,並點出翻「異」的價值性所在。
    Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake (2003) has been regarded as one of the most brilliant literary works that deals with immigration in recent years. In the novel, Lahiri takes the readers into a full picture of an immigration family, unfolding the hardships of preserving traditions in a new world and the conflicts of seeking roots between two generations. Writing against the background of cross-generations and that of cross-cultures, Lahiri plays the role of a cultural translator, who detailedly narrates the predicament in the process of migration.
    The present thesis would like to adopt translation theories to examine how Lahiri writes The Namesake through translation. In addition, the present thesis also aims to shed light on the concept of diaspora as well as the notion of identity by taking translation into consideration.
    Chapter One begins with the introduction of The Namesake and the methodology used in the present thesis. Chapter Two focuses on reviewing the development of translation theories and on building the interrelationship among Lahiri, Lahiri’s literary works and translation. Chapter Three concentrates on the study of diaspora and cultural translation practiced in in-betweenness. Chapter Four pays attention to the concept of identity and its association with translation. Chapter Five reconsiders the question of origin in translation and validates the value of “translating hybridity”.
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