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Title: | 遊戲式行動英語字彙學習APP之學習認知與成效評估研究:以臺灣 EFL 學習者為例 Assessing the Effects of Mobile Vocabulary Learning APP with Game-Related Functions on Learners’ Learning Perceptions and Performance: A Case Study of Taiwanese EFL Learners |
Authors: | 黃泓彬 Huang, Hong Bin |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih Ming 黃泓彬 Huang, Hong Bin |
Keywords: | 英語字彙學習 遊戲式行動學習 學習認知 混合研究法 English Vocabulary Learning Mobile Game-Based Learning Learners` Perceptions Mixed Methodology |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-06-01 12:17:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在英語為外語的學習中,英語字彙的習得對於英文能力的提昇扮演極其關鍵的角色,重複背誦法為傳統最常被採用的字彙學習方法。然而,過去的研究已證實此一方法容易造成學習者僅止於被動學習。近年來隨著資訊與通訊科技(ICT)的蓬勃發展,遊戲式行動學習已被證實能有效協助學習者習得並保留知識。因此,本研究探討一款新開發的行動英語字彙學習APP,在有無遊戲相關功能支援下,對於英語字彙學習之學習認知以及學習成效的影響。 本研究採用混合研究法,使用包括前測、立即後測、延宕後測、問卷、使用者行為分析、半結構式訪談等量化及質化研究工具進行研究。實驗對象為二十名國立政治大學文學院大學部學生,以等組方式隨機分派為採用具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP 的實驗組,以及採用不具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP 的控制組,並以智慧型手機進行為期四週之自主學習活動。結果顯示,採用具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP 的實驗組學習者,其平均字彙習得、字彙保留均顯著優於採用不具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP控制組 學習者;採用具遊戲相關功能行動之英語字彙學習APP 的實驗組學習者在問卷調查之學習有效性以及滿意度上優於控制組學習者;採用具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP 的實驗組學習者,字彙學習成效與其學習參與程度以及遊戲相關功能使用次數上呈現顯著的正相關;在半結構式訪談中,實驗組學習者提出影響其是否採用具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP 輔助英語字彙學習意願的五大因素,包括介面設計、遊戲設計、內容設計、健康擔憂以及花費。 綜上所述,本研究證實具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP 具有寓教於樂的特性,為一具備吸引力、有效性之學習輔助工具,不僅能有效協助學習者習得以及保留字彙,亦促使學習者對此種學習方式抱持著正面態度。具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP 的確可改善傳統英語字彙學習方式之諸多侷限,並且協助學習者有效達成學習目標。最後,本研究建議教師以及學習者可以使用具遊戲相關功能之行動英語字彙學習APP 輔助教學與學習,唯特定潛在問題,例如遊戲選擇基準以及成效評估方式,仍須悉心思量;而教育遊戲開發者亦須在教育遊戲之教育目的以及娛樂功能中,取得良好的平衡。 Many previous studies confirmed that vocabulary learning plays a key role in the processes of foreign language learning, and repetition strategy is still the most widely-used strategy for vocabulary learning. However, it has long been argued that repetition strategy may make learners passive, or even indifferent, to their learning. With the rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT), mobile game-based learning (MGBL) has been considered as a promising scheme for assisting learners in successfully acquiring and retaining knowledge. Thus, this study assesses the effects of utilizing PHONE Words, which is a novel mobile vocabulary learning APP with game-related functions (MVLA-GF), as a learning tool on learners‘ perceptions and learning performance. A mixed methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches including a pretest, an immediate posttest, a delayed posttest, a questionnaire survey, a usage analysis of MVLA-GF, and a semi-structured interview was adopted in this study. In the 4-week experimental treatment, twenty undergraduate students from College of Liberal Arts of National Chengchi University were recruited as the research subjects and were randomly assigned into the experimental group using MVLA-GF and the control group using MVLA-NGF. Analytical results show that the mean vocabulary acquisition and vocabulary retention of experimental group using MVLA-GF were both significantly higher than those of control group using MVLA-NGF. Results of the questionnaire confirmed that, in the facilitation of English vocabulary learning, MVLA-GF contributes to higher effectiveness and satisfaction than MVLA-NGF does. Results of Pearson correlation analysis show that learners‘ involvements and dependence on gamification-related functions were positively correlated with their vocabulary learning performance. Five aspects—interface design, gamification design, content design, health concerns, and costs—were proposed as the decisive factors influencing learners‘ perceptions toward using MVLA-GF for supporting English vocabulary learning. In conclusion, this study confirmed that MVLA-GF, with its edutainment elements and game attributes, is an appealing, conducive learning tool for augmenting learners‘ vocabulary acquisition and vocabulary retention, and learners generate positive perceptions toward using MVLA-GF as a vocabulary learning tool. That is, MVLA-GF can be regarded as a promising, viable learning tool for improving traditional vocabulary learning approaches, which were considered neither effective nor attractive. Finally, this study suggested that educators and learners can apply MVLA-GF as a learning tool for English vocabulary learning—with potential issues, such as criteria for educational game evaluation, being attentively taken into account. Educational game developers, on the other hand, should leverage to achieve a balance between education Purpose and entertainment effect of a given educational game. |
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