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Title: | NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準與幼兒園課程品質評估之研究 A study of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards and the curriculum quality evaluation |
Authors: | 龔芮誼 |
Contributors: | 徐聯恩 龔芮誼 |
Keywords: | 美國幼教協會NAEYC 課程認證標準 課程品質評估 NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards curriculum quality evaluation |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-06-01 11:07:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以自我評量的觀點,瞭解美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」與我國課程品質之評估,包括「幼兒園基礎評鑑指標教保活動課程部分」、「幼兒園課程與教學品質評估表課程與教學規劃部分」、「幼兒園教保活動課程暫行大綱」三議題。進而比較其指標內涵,同時採調查法的方式,便利取樣選取公立幼兒園10所,共11位教師,使用美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」,以瞭解其在台灣之適用性,並請現場老師給予相關的回饋與建議。
研究結果如下: 壹、美國NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準特色有四: 一、課程認證標準具發展合宜實務理論依據。 二、課程認證標準與時俱進。 三、課程認證標準組織架構具體明確且指標具彈性。 四、認證標準確實可提升班級課程品質。 貳、美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」與我國幼兒園課程品質評估之比較: 一、美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」指標內涵強調幼兒本位。 二、我國「幼兒園基礎評鑑指標教保活動課程部分」強調合法性。 三、我國「幼兒園課程與教學品質評估表課程與教學規劃部分」定義課程原則。 四、我國「幼兒園教保活動課程暫行大綱」是我國目前課程規劃重要依據。 五、美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」含括領域指標具體完整值得效法。 参、美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」之適用性: 一、現場教師肯定美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」,並具以下啟示: (一) 幫助教師課程規劃。 (二) 拓展視野放眼國際。 (三) 瞭解班級課程品質。 二、方案評鑑標準(The program evaluation standards)確定美國「NAEYC 幼兒園課程認證標準」在台灣之適用性。 本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以「他山之石,可以攻錯」的借鏡觀點,提供對未來台灣幼兒教育發展之建議及後續研究之參考。 關鍵字:美國幼教協會NAEYC、課程認證標準、課程品質評估 The main purpose of this study is to understand the concept of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards and the curriculum quality evaluation. Include " Preschool Care-taking Activities of Kindergarten Basic Evaluationin"," Curriculum and Teaching Plan of Kindergarten Curriculum and Teaching Quality Assessment Form",and" Curriculum Outlines for Preschool Care-taking Activities". This study also received to 11 teacher’s interview to understand the applicability of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards in Taiwan. Here are the results of this study: A.NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards characteristics: 1. Based on Developmentally Appropriate Practice. 2. Change with time. 3. Organization is clear and specific and the indicators are flexible. 4. Indeed improve the curriculum quality of class. B.Compare NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards and the curriculum quality evaluation: 1. NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards emphasize child-centered. 2. Preschool Care-taking Activities of Kindergarten Basic Evaluationin emphasize the legitimacy. 3. Curriculum and Teaching Plan of Kindergarten Curriculum and Teaching Quality Assessment Form define curriculum principle. 4. Curriculum Outlines for Preschool Care-taking Activities is important basis for curriculum planning at present. 5. The fields and indicators of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards are specific and complete and worth our emulation. C. The applicability of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards : 1.Teachers affirm NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards and get the following inspirations: a.Help teachers planning curriculum. b. Expand the horizons and looking to international. c.Understand the curriculum quality of class. 2. The program evaluation standards make sure the applicability of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards in Taiwan. Key words: NAEYC, accreditation curriculum standards, curriculum quality evaluation |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育所 97157018 103 |
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