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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/75404
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    Title: 消費者使用物聯網產品之動機與選擇—以智慧家庭產品為例
    User’s motivation and choice of using IoT products: A case of smart home
    Authors: 黃曉菁
    Huang, Xiao Jing
    Contributors: 李有仁
    Eldon Li
    Huang, Xiao Jing
    Keywords: 物聯網
    Internet of Things (IoT)
    Smart Home
    Modified Delphi Method
    Analytical Network Process (ANP)
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-06-01 11:01:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來以物聯網為概念的相關應用已經成為最熱門的議題之一,各國家與企業皆致力於發展其技術以及相關應用。而物聯網的應用範圍十分廣泛,舉凡交通、醫療、電力、物流、家居等都是其應用的範圍。亞洲國家於近十年來也紛紛提出相關發展計畫,由此可看出各國對發展物聯網產品之野心與競爭。而台灣政府於2008年開始積極推展智慧家庭政策,端看目前成果,以技術層面而言並非無法達成,但在實際應用與推廣上明顯仍有許多不足之處。因此本研究欲探討使用者對於物聯網相關應用產品的使用動機為何,以智慧家庭為例,先進行相關文獻探討,並以修正式德菲法做為發展ANP專家問卷的基礎,再利用ANP法施行專家問卷,排序出影響消費者使用動機的各項權重,選擇出最符合消費者需求的產品組合,讓開發者能了解在開發與推展智慧家庭相關應用時,應滿足消費者哪些心理層面之動機因素,提升未來發展相關產品時的成功機率。
    In recent years, applications related to the concept of IoT become one of the most popular issues all over the world. Countries and enterprises devote themselves to developing the technique and application related to IoT. The range of its applications is very wide, including transportation, medical treatment, electricity, logistics, and home, etc. Asian countries set forth some development projects in the past decade, demonstrating the ambition and competition between countries in developing IoT products. Taiwan has started to push the development of smart home related applications since 2008. After development for some years, insufficiency in actual implementation and diffusion remains given our technological advantage. Therefore, this research intends to study the motivation for users to use IoT products taking smart home as an example. First, we study the related literature review and use modified Delphi method to develop the ANP expert questionnaires. Then, we prioritize the weights of consumer’s motives. The result can enable developers of smart home products to understand what kind of consumer motives they should satisfy when developing and promoting smart home applications. This enhances the probability of success for developing related products in the future.
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