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Title: | 台灣醫療旅遊商業模式之探討 A Study of Business Models of Healthcare Tourism in Taiwan |
Authors: | 章新瑞 Chang, Hsin Jui |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 章新瑞 Chang, Hsin Jui |
Keywords: | 國際醫療 醫療旅遊 商業模式 International healthcare Business model Healthcare tourism |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2015-06-01 11:01:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 醫療服務全球化、醫療服務專精化及醫療服務的多角化,呈現出國際醫療服務已成為必然的趨勢,在2007 年7 月台灣正式啟動醫療服務國際化計畫,近年來台灣醫療品質大幅提升,鼓勵醫療服務國際化,吸引海外病人來台進行醫療旅遊。本研究期望從台灣藉由這方面的研究結果,供欲發展醫療旅遊的同業參考。 本研究以實務觀點,就目前國內有在執行醫療旅遊之機構作為主題,採用質性研究(Qualitative Research)方法,以深度訪談及半結構式訪談蒐集,其研究架構的主要三大構面包括醫療旅遊特性、商業模式及績效等進行探討。 研究結果發現(1)我國的國際醫療旅客中以來自大陸為主,其 尋求的醫療項目以健檢為主;而來自歐美國家的則是以醫療為主。(2)我國的國際醫療旅客來台進行醫療旅遊的主要考量包括:「高科技設備」、「醫療技術」、「合理的價格」、「高服務品質」及「快速通道(檢查的速度及看診)」。(3) 我國的國際醫療服務機構在營運上會考量引進優越的醫療技術,並設置特色醫療服務來吸引國際醫療旅客。(4) 我國國際醫療服務機構會因國際醫療旅客的需求,先通過國際認證(JCI)以符合價值主張並提升國際醫療服務品質。(5) 我國國際醫療服務機構在考量行程客製化方面,會透過「異業合作」來擴大自己的價值網絡。(6) 我國國際醫療服務機構會以「一步到位(One Stop Service)」的作法 及「以病患為中心」的服務理念來提升服務品質。(7) 我國在國際醫療旅遊上的績效會因醫療旅遊特性中的旅遊性質、行程客製化、醫療旅遊費用及商業模式中的收費機制及價值網絡等因素的影響。(8) 我國目前的國際醫療旅遊服務收費定價上會受到政府衛生機關的限制。而且,若是行程上主要是由旅行社安排,那麼,收入上也會因而減少。(9) 我國國際醫療服務機構會考量醫療旅遊產業的特性,而進行垂直整合式的延伸。 本研究最後對醫療旅遊相關的政策面、醫療服務品質、國際行銷、觀光資源利用及異業結盟等構面提出建議,利於後續研究之參考。 Globalization, specialization and diversification of medical services, showing international health care services have become an inevitable trend. In July 2007, Taiwan officially launched the global medical service plan. In recent years, medical service quality of Taiwan has boosted dramatically, encouraging the internationalization of health services to attract overseas patients coming to Taiwan for medical tourism. We expect the research results from Taiwan can be the reference for the development of medical tourism. This research focuses on practical viewpoint uses qualitative cases study as the research method. The research subjects include those with real institutions in the implementation of medical tourism. We rely on in-depth interviews and semi-structured interviews to gather information. The three major constructs of the framework include medical tourism property, business model and performance. Findings from the research are (1) International medical travelers are mainly from mainland China, the purpose is health examination. However the travelers from Western contries are mainly for medical treatment. (2) The major factors of the international medical tourists to come to Taiwan for medical tourism include: "high-tech equipment", "medical technology", "reasonable prices", "the high quality of service" and " channel speed". (3) The international medical institutions will consider the introduction of superior medical technology in the operation and set up special medical services to attract international medical tourists. (4) The international medical institutions will meet the request from international medical tourists, firsty through international certification (JCI) to comply with the value proposition and raise the quality of medical services. (5) Regarding the trips customization, the international medical institutions exercise "different business cooperation" to extend the value of their network. (6) The international medical institutions can be "one step (One Stop Service)" and "patient-centric" service concept to improve the quality of service. (7) The performance of the international medical tourism may be affected by various factors such as the nature of tourism, trip customized, medical service fee and business model of charging mechanism and value networks. (8) Current pricing of international medical tourism services is limited by Government health agencies. Moreover, if the trip was largely arranged by travel agency, then the income will be reduced accordingly. (9) The international medical institutions will consider implementing vertical integration by taking into account the characteristics of the medical tourism. In the last part of the study, we provide with some suggestions for medical tourism-related policies, and for enhancing the quality of medical services, international marketing, tourism resources and the different industry alliances. |
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