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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/75393
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    Title: 政治抗議事件中的媒體創新使用與實踐:以太陽花運動為例
    Mediating the Sunflower Movement: Hybrid Media Networks in a Digital Age
    Authors: 劉時君
    Liu, Shih Chun June
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Liu, Shih Chun June
    Keywords: 太陽花運動
    Sunflower Movement
    Actor Network Theory
    hybrid media network
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-06-01 11:00:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究針對 2014 年 3 月至 4 月期間的太陽花運動三大事件(佔領立法院、衝進行政院、以及凱達格蘭大道集結)作個案研究,採質性研究的深度訪談法和資料蒐集法取得研究資料,援引 Bruno Latour 的「行動者網絡理論」(Actor Network Theory)概念進行分析,探討大眾媒體與另類媒體在當代政治抗議場域裡,如何以現有傳播科技做創新使用與傳播實踐,而科技和人的互動又如何對訊息發布與呈現方式造成影響,勾勒出人人皆可參與的政治抗議情境之下,傳播行動者如何受新舊媒體模式交織影響。
    This paper traces the contemporary hybrid media network in a Taiwanese political protest context, focusing mainly on the 2014 Sunflower Movement (also known as “Occupy Parliament”) in Taiwan. The proliferation of digital media use in this protest, makes it a significant case study in regards to finding the complex media networks of tech-savvy activists and mainstream media at work in recent political protests. To answer the complex nature of this network, this paper employs Actor Network Theory (ANT) as a framework to depict the evolving media network of contemporary political protests in Taiwan through first-hand accounts of alternative media activists and mainstream journalists.
    This research conducts a set of qualitative interviews with heterogenous actors who participated in the Sunflower Movement. Additional data is collected from online documents of the event. In the end, the research seeks to answer the following questions: How do new and old media form links through technology and digital tools in modern political protest? What is the nature of the associations formed and how do the associations impact the existing news ecology in political protests? Further providing an empirical account of transforming protest media networks in action in a political protest context.
    Reference: 壹、中文文獻
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