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    Title: 墨西哥與台灣石化產業發展路徑分歧與經濟結果的比較,1980-2010:市場、國家與階級聯盟
    Divergent Paths of Development in Petrochemical Sector and Economic Performances, 1980-2010: The Market, State and Class Alliance in Mexico and Taiwan
    Authors: 黃富娟
    Huang, Fu-Chuan
    Contributors: 劉雅靈
    Liu, Yia-ling
    Huang, Fu-Chuan
    Keywords: 石化產業
    petrochemical industry
    market structure
    class alliance
    the state
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-05-01 11:38:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在探討1980年中期的「關鍵時期」(critical juncture),墨西哥與台灣相繼從國家-發展主義(national-developmentalism)轉向新自由主義(neoliberalism)過程中,為何石化產業會從1980年以前發展路徑的相似,走向發展路徑分歧與迥異的經濟表現?基於市場創發並不始於轉型期,本研究提出三個變項---市場結構、國家與階級聯盟,形成的一組因果關係作為分析架構,試圖去論證新自由主義作為一套「經濟政策架構」與「治理理念」在進入國家內部之後,並未造成新古典經濟學宣稱的發展路徑趨同。實際上發展型國家在建立初期的歷史制度與脈絡特定的鑲嵌,已揭示轉向新自由主義必然遇到的阻礙。因此沒有兩個國家會走向發展路徑趨同的結果。
    研究發現,兩國在上游國有石油企業產權無法私有化之下,取而代之走向推動組織重組來提振效率,並分別引進墨西哥的「委包制度」與台灣「公私雙軌體系」,並無可避免地形成國家與市場協調的混合市場經濟(Mixed-Market Economies, MMEs)。問題是,墨西哥使用市場機制拆解生產鏈並落實委包制度,未能誘發公私夥伴合作關係,主因是原料供應價格、勞資衝突與國家控制供應端的再管制措施;反之,台灣發展出雙體系寡占的市場區隔與各自體系的關係契約與內部價格作為協調機制,呈現較為有效的國家干預。
    The purpose of this research is to seek explanations on why the development paths of petrochemical industry in Mexico and Taiwan diverge largely after the shift from interventionist state to neo-liberalism in mid-1980. The research defined the neo-liberalism as an “economic policy framework” and “managerial ideology” and argued that the penetration of neo-liberalism to the state would not produce convergent paths due to the previous state legacy and context-specific embeddedness.
    The research combines three independent variables to establish an analytical framework, namely market structure, the state and class alliance. The research expects to understand how variables affect the policy formation and confound one another to forming a dynamic causal-effect to facilitate or limit policy choices, eventually leads to the formation of different types of market structure and respective economic performances.
    In fact, both Mexico and Taiwan have led to the formation of different types of mixed–market economies (MMEs) in mid-1980s, featuring in state controlling the upper stream of petrochemical production chain. Mexico comes to a rupture in backward linkage and importing a large quantity of immediate chemical products with huge trade deficit while implementing privatized contractors, whereas Taiwanese petrochemical industry demonstrates a backward and forward linkage, exporting surplus petrochemical products.
    The research findings have illustrated that Mexico’s model via “PEMEX and contractors” has failed to create incentives for public-private partnership as well as attract investment. By contrast, the more effective state intervention in Taiwan’s petrochemical industry has helped to develop a state-business co-evolution model, featuring in market segmentation but at the same time complementing to public/private firms cooperation in the market.
    In addition, the research also has shown that the economic outcomes were determined by the policy principles of technocrats, whose ideas were shaped by perceptions of the market ideas and development consciousness, and further constrained by historically specific institutions. The Mexican case shows how “neo-classical” economic technocrats can prioritize market ideas, but in a manner that is heavily offset by petroleum-centered ideology. In contrast, Taiwanese engineering technocrats remain development consciousness. They have projected technical knowledge to policies, and recognized “reverse integration” as a niche for forging industrial integration.
    Last, but not least, the privatization in two cases has been restricted by strong boycott of petrounion. This is considered to be a legacy of party state in both cases. The research also shows how the conflict of interests among social classes along with democratization and marketization has limited the state’s policy choice. In addition, the research explains how the specific typology of state-class alliance and its content-specific embeddedness would provide collective value and consensus for economic actors in the market, serving as an underlying support to the market structure.
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