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    题名: 影響我國貿易服務發展之相關因素研究
    A study on the factors of the development of trade service.
    作者: 郭于榛
    Guo, Yu Jen
    贡献者: 蔡孟佳
    Tsai, Meng Jia
    Guo, Yu Jen
    关键词: 貿易發展
    trade performance
    trade index
    diamond model
    日期: 2013
    上传时间: 2015-05-01 11:30:31 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在全球的貿易競爭下,貨品貿易的內容,除了有形貨物的運送流程、採購交易外,尚包含了國際行銷、研發創新、通路管理、和全球供應鏈運籌等機能。若僅以出口量為主計算我國貿易情況,則無法完整看出我國貿易發展之實況,且因廠商所創造之價值未被計算,使得政府較無法準確得知產業之實際發展及需求。本研究之主要透過相關貿易文獻回顧,以瞭解貿易服務之發展情況,並以哈佛管理學院Porter教授之鑽石模型為架構,依據其中生產條件、需求條件、相關產業與支援產業、企業策略結構與競爭程度、及政府角色,分析貿易影響因素,各項目結果發現如下:
    For nowadays, tracking volume of exports is not the only way to measure trade performance of a country. Trading process cross countries have many activities involved and produced various performances. If a policy maker focuses on export volume only, he/she would not get the big picture of trading status. The research went through trading literature and analyzed via diamond model, which developed by Michael Porter, to generate performance indexes or import aspects for measuring trade status. Listed below:
    1. Factor conditions: human resource, innovation ability, technology ability in service, and ability in import and export process.
    2. Demand condition: volume of import and export, and domestic demand.
    3. Related and supported industry: the status and numbers of finance, ICT and logistic industries.
    4. Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry: business alliance with other countries, supply chain management, the ratio of innovation invest, and the ratio of small and medium enterprises.
    5. Government: trade policy, global strategy, and trade database construction.
    參考文獻: 英文文獻
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099351040
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