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    Title: 英國與臺灣校長評鑑制度之比較研究
    A Comparative Study on Principals’ Evaluation in the United Kingdom and Taiwan
    Authors: 施佩吟
    Contributors: 湯志民
    Keywords: 比較研究
    comparative method
    principals’ evaluation
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-04-01 10:11:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在進行英國與臺灣校長評鑑制度之比較研究,俾供政府部門、校長評鑑專責機構及校長做為之參考依據。為達成上述目的,本研究採用文件分析法與比較研究法為研究方法,蒐集英國與臺灣校長評鑑制度之相關文獻進行研究,以進行兩國校長評鑑制度之比較,並依據研究發現提出結論與建議。


    This research mainly focuses on the comparative study on principals’ evaluation in the United Kingdom and Taiwan, and will be provided into the public sectors, institutes that are responsible for the principals’ evaluation, and principals for the references. The research methods are document analysis and comparative method. By collecting the related documents in the United Kingdom and Taiwan and comparaing the systems of these two countries bring out the conclusions and suggestions based on the reseach findings.
    The conclusions derived from the research findings:
    1. Both the United Kingdom and Taiwan legislated for the principals’ evaluation, and the enactment of the law shows the importance to the countries.
    2. The purposes of the principals’ evaluation in the United Kingdom and Taiwan are to ensure the principals’ school performances and professional developememt.
    3. The institute that is responsible for the principals’ evaluation in the United Kingdom is an independent consortium Corporate bodies; the institute that is responsible for the principals’ evaluation in Taiwan is academic research institute.
    4. They value all the participants in both the United Kingdom and Taiwan, and provide the training programs based on the characteristic of the evaluation. In Taiwan, it concludes the experience sharing; in the United Kingdom, it has the workshop which the principals are interesting in. The difference in the length of the training programs makes the costs different.
    5. The participants in the United Kingdom and Taiwan are included extra advisers and principals. In Taiwan, it also has educational authorities during the evaluation, but it doesn’t in the United Kingdom.
    6. The numbers to have meeting in both countries are similar. In the evaluation, it puts more stress on future targets and examinations in the United Kingdom, and on the other hand, it brings out suggestions based on the principals’ school performances.
    7. In Taiwan, it has 6 levels and 6 indicators for each level. Principals choose indicators in each level as self-evaluations. The design for the levels and indicators in Taiwan is more considerate and selective than in the United Kingdom. The reports in the United Kingdom are presented in qualitative description; the reports in Taiwan are presented in both qualitative and quality description.
    8. The principals’ evaluations in the United Kingdom and Taiwan are for boosting school performances and enhancing professional development. In the United Kingdom, results of the principals’ evaluation are used for the adjustment of the salary; in Taiwan, principals should hand in the professional development reports based on the results.
    9. As to the principals who pass after remedy, the staff belonged to administrative authorities for education will have some visits for the improvements. In Taiwan, if the principals will not pass after the visits, the institute will take over the evaluations of the guidance; in the United Kingdom, the evaluations are held every year to examine the principals’ performances and the improvements.
    Based on the conclusions on the research, there are several suggestions provided for educational authorities, institutes for the evaluation, principals and the operation of the principals’ evaluation in the future.

    Key words: comparative method, principals’ evaluation
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