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Title: | 人力資源評量系統與經營績效相關性之探討-以台灣油漆塗料業為例 |
Authors: | 黃巧文 |
Contributors: | 張昌吉 黃巧文 |
Keywords: | 人力資源指標 人力資源評量系統 企業經營績效 HR indicator HR assessment system business performance |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-03-02 10:15:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 據國外研究指出,企業價值中有85%的貢獻是來自於無形的人力資源資產,但這個重要的資產卻難以評量,而「人力資源評量系統」就是來解決這個難題。它是由公司核心策略與目標所導出的核心任務(即高效能作業系統),再與人力資源系統整合,產出人力資源重點任務及相關評量指標。國外學者Ulrich等人經過十餘年的實地調查兩千八百多家企業,研究發現擁有有效人力資源管理系統的公司,均能展現出卓越的經營績效。有鑑於此,本研究欲以同一產業、不同規模的油漆塗料公司為研究對象,以瞭解實務界人力資源管理狀況,與何項作業最被需要,是否有建置人力資源評量系統或是定期檢視人力資源指標,以及人力資源評量系統與公司經營績效之間是否具相關性。
本研究針對其他塗料公司之建議為:1.人力資源作業與公司目標、策略連結,符合組織需求。2.提升關鍵人員(含主管)的素質與專業能力。3.強化中高階管理者的領導技巧與決策力。4.高層主管重視人力資源關鍵指標(HR KPI)。5.人員穩定度佳可降低成本,提升經營績效。6.善用人力資源指標能有效降低人事成本及提升產能。7.運用績效評鑑制度,且需連結薪酬、發展等機制。8.推動激勵薪酬制度。9.更重視公司內部之行銷人才等等。 According to foreign research, 85% contribution to the corporate value is from the intangible asset - human resources. However, because this important asset is hard to measure, "human resources assessment system" is developed to tackle the problem. It is the core mission (i.e. high-performance operating system) derived from the company`s core strategy and goals. Then, the integration with human resource system contributes to the key tasks and related indicators of human resources. Ulrich and other foreign scholars who investigated more than two thousand and eight hundred companies over the decades have discovered that companies with effective human resource management system can demonstrate outstanding business performance.
Therefore, this research concentrates on painting companies in the same industry but with different scales. The aim is to understand human resources practices, which tasks are needed the most, whether human resource assessment system is built or examined regularly, and if human resource assessment system is related to business performance.
Based on literature review and in-depth interviews, this research found the following results:1."To recruit the right people to fill in vacancies in time" is the human resource service that business units need the most. If human resources units can become the real business partner, it does help to improve business performance.
2.Because most painting companies are SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) and with small scales, they do not build human resource assessment system. The director of human resources also believe that it is not necessary to build the system at this stage. However, they all give credit to this system and believe that it can assist companies to improve business performance.3.Even thought painting companies in this research do not build the human resource assessment system, they examine the human resource indicators regularly or irregularly and among which, personnel cost, turnover rate, productivity and overtime rate are used more often.4.Although human resource assessment system is not built in the cases interviewed in this research, their business performance is still on the increase. Therefore, it is inferred that there is no definite correlations between human resource assessment system and the performance of SMEs. Nevertheless, whether human resource indicators are examined regularly makes an influence on business performance and is positively related to business performance.
Suggestions for other painting companies are as follows:1.HR operations should be connected to the goals and strategies of the company in order to fit the needs of organizations. 2.Enhance the quality and competency of key personnel (including managers). 3.Strengthen leadership skills and decision-making power in the middle-level and high-level management. 4.Executives pay attention to human resource key performance indicators (HR KPI). 5.Good workforce stability can reduce costs and enhance business performance. 6.Making good use of human resources indicators can effectively reduce personnel costs and improve productivity. 7.Make use of performance evaluation system, and line it to compensation and career development. 8.Promote incentive compensation system. 9.More emphasis on internal marketing talents and so on. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 100262024 103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100262024 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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