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Title: | 臺灣地區學術圖書館電子資源編目工作之研究 Study on Electronic Resources Cataloging Work at Taiwan’s Academic Libraries |
Authors: | 吳雨霏 |
Contributors: | 王梅玲 Wang, Mei Ling 吳雨霏 |
Keywords: | 電子資源 編目 編目工作 大學圖書館 學術圖書館 臺灣地區 Electronic Resource Cataloging Cataloging Work University Library Academic Library Taiwan Area |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-03-02 10:12:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究宗旨在於探討臺灣地區學術圖書館電子資源的編目工作現況。使用的研究方法為個案研究法和深度訪談法兩者並行,訪談一共6所圖書館:國家圖書館、臺灣大學圖書館、政治大學圖書館、師範大學圖書館、輔仁大學圖書館、淡江大學圖書館。而本研究的研究問題一共可分為六大項:(一)電子資源的意義與範圍?;(二)編目工作方面,電子資源分工狀況為何?電子資源的選擇政策為何?;(三)編目流程方面,電子資源編目工作與流程為何?著錄層次為何?;(四)編目規範方面,電子資源所採用的編目規範為何?使用的分類法為何?使用的標題法為何?各館是否有採用劃一題名?各館對於MARC21機讀格式的轉換狀況?權威編目的運作?OCLC的書目上傳近況?;(五)FRBR、MARC21、RDA帶給電子資源編目的改變方面,如何因應轉換的MARC21?是否採用RDA?RDA新增的欄位狀況為何?;(六)編目館員的困難與建議方面,編目館員對於電子資源編目工作有哪些問題?廠商提供的MARC檔有何問題?對於編目工作有何建議?
在研究的最後,對於電子資源的編目工作提出了建議,一共八項:(一)中文電子資源的編目在配合NBINet的同時,也需有更一致的合作編目以統一MARC21的欄位使用;(二)各館應訂定電子資源編目的內部政策;(三)中文電子資源的完整編目體系之建立;(四)著手建立我國權威標目;(五)探討中文電子資源編目工作的RDA前奏準備作業;(六)制定RDA中文化手冊;(七)制定電子資源的編目需求,以利與自動化廠商溝通;(八)電子資源編目館員的流動問題與價值探討。 The thesis of this study is to investigate electronic resources catalogue working in Taiwan’s academic libraries. By using case analysis method and widen interviews are two major methodologies way to study. The object covered 6 libraries, i.e. National Central Library, National Taiwan University Library, National Chengchi University, National Taiwan Normal Library, FU JEN Catholic University Library and TAMKANG University CHUEH SHENG Memorial Library, and embrace 6 structure issues: (1) Meaning and scope of electronic resource, (2) Catalogue work: What the labor distribution and policy on electronic resource, (3) Catalogue procedure: How the electronic resources been catalogued and procedure been described, (4) Catalogue policy: How electronic resources policy been adopted, classified, subject heading uniform title use or not, circumstances of each libraries when change to Marc21, authority subject heading and bibliography loading to OCLC current situation, (5) How FRBR, MARC21, RDA make electronic resources catalogue change, how libraries adapt when change to MARC21, what the library adopt to RDA, what field to be added, (6) Difficult and suggestion: What general question when librarian make cataloging work, question on system made bibliography, suggestion toward to cataloging work.
After a success of libraries’ interview and resources collected, the study can be sort to 7 aspect: (1) Even though copy and Chinese electronic resource is same, English electronic resource adopt to new version of RDA, (2) Have to spend more time to set Authority Subject Heading when execute electronic resource cataloging, (3) Same problem happened when execute Chinese electronic resource cataloging, (4) Bibliography offered by factory have quality problem, (5) Librarian is not familiar with RDA operation. Anticipate a cataloging training course can strengthen their skill, (6) Through the joint cooperation and select suitable cataloging tool can improve the quality of electronic resource cataloging, (7) Short of experience Cataloging librarian to add the difficult of electronic resource cataloging.
Finally, this study aims to advance and recommendation of electronic resources cataloging work, with total 8 recommendation added: (1) When Chinese electronic resource cataloging be added with NBINet, it also needs to duplicate cataloging to integrate MARC21 field, (2) Each library have to make an internal cataloguing policy, (3) To establish a completed Chinese electronic resource cataloging system, (4) Establish domestic Authority Subject Heading, (5) To discuss the preparation when adopt RDA system for Chinese electronic resources work, (6) Setting Chinese RDA handbook, (7) Setting electronic resource cataloging requirement to easy communication with automatic system makers, (8) The value of electronic resource cataloging librarians and their mobility problems. |
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