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Title: | 生技產業IPO風險因子與長期獲利能力之關聯性研究 The association between the risk factor disclosures in IPO prospectus and path-to-profitability of biotech firms |
Authors: | 黃庭翊 |
Contributors: | 諶家蘭 黃庭翊 |
Keywords: | 首次公開發行 生技產業 公開說明書 風險因子 獲利能力 長期績效 Initial public offerings Biotech industry Prospectus Risk factor Profitability Long-term performance |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-03-02 10:08:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要探討生技產業公開說明書之風險因子揭露對首次公開發行公司5年內的獲利能力做研究,想得知風險因子的揭露是否會影響公司獲利時間的長短。本研究以美國生技產業首次公開發行公司為研究對象,樣本期間為1997年至2012年。 許多文獻指出越來越多公司在尚未獲利前即先行上市,但公司未來的前景及獲利能力卻充滿高度的不確定性,而透過資訊的揭露可使該不確定性下降,因透過揭露,投資者可以了解公司營運狀況及表現,對公司價值能做較正確之判斷, 此時願意提供資金給公司營運,充足的資金使公司未來獲利機會上升。 本研究參考過去文獻,建立資訊揭露的四級指標加上風險因子所揭露的項目多寡,系統性地衡量生技公司公開說明書之風險因子,並以存活分析檢測假說。實證結果顯示:風險因子的內容描述越著重在某些特定資訊,例如:顧客資訊、重要員工資訊、量化資訊的表達、公司未來不確定性、財務需求時,公司未來獲利能力機會大增,而當更進一步的探究時,又發現對顧客資訊和量化資訊的表達越具體,越詳細時,也會使公司未來獲利機會上升。 This study investigates whether disclosure of risk factors in the prospectus will influence the probability of the biotech firms to attain profitability. Data is collected for biotech companies of U.S IPOs issued from1997 to2012 as the research sample. Many extant empirical evidences indicate that the proportion of firms going public prior to achieving profitability has been increasing over time. There is considerable uncertainty regarding the long-term economic viability of these firms at the time of going public. Disclosures in the prospector may mitigate the effects of ex-ante uncertainty about firm’s value, and disclosures are potentially important means for management to communicate firm performance and governance to outside investors. Therefore, firms can raise more money by disclosing more information in IPO prospectors, because more information reperesent lower uncertainty between investors and firms.This study uses risk factors in the prospectus as concern issue and expects that the quantity of risk factors and the content or description of risk factors will influence the uncertainty and would mitigate investors’ concern. Referring to past literature, this study builds four-class index for disclosure score and uses two classifications of risk factors to systematically measure risk factors in the prospectus. The empirical results show that a biotech IPO with more information or some specific information of risk factors, like disclosures of main customers and key employees, will experience good performance after IPO. In addition, more detail descriptions in quantitative risk factors and customers’ information contributed to better performance in the future. In conclusion, disclosure of risk factors in the prospectus are related to firms’ probability of profitability after IPO as expected. |
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