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    Title: 廿一世紀的小國與公眾外交興起: 以挪威、斯洛伐克與臺灣為例
    Smaller Powers & the Rise of Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century (Cases of Norway, Slovakia & Taiwan)
    Authors: 柯沐甯
    Kočiová, Monika
    Contributors: 李沃奇
    William C. Vocke, Jr.
    Monika Kočiová
    Keywords: 公眾外交
    public diplomacy
    new public diplomacy
    small countries
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2015-02-03 10:35:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 廿一世紀的小國與公眾外交興起: 以挪威、斯洛伐克與臺灣為例
    Diplomacy has been playing a crucial role on the global political scene for many
    centuries but its importance, character, and role in the 21st century has been changing. The
    aftermath of the Cold War and the nature of the developments in the upcoming years brought
    numerous significant transformations which have tremendous impact on the world politics
    and its disposition. Diplomacy ceded to be a privilege of government to government relations,
    pursued mostly behind the closed doors. As a response public diplomacy has emerged.
    Public diplomacy as a more comprehensive, more open, more accountable and more
    integrative diplomatic practice has been gaining its importance around the world. The
    character, features and new developments of this era require more and more flexibility,
    rapidity, transparency and skills to handle the international image abroad.
    The topic of this theses evolves around the question of whether or not and how have
    the public diplomacy apparatuses of the smaller countries, selected as the case studies reacted
    to the changes of the 21st century and examines what have been the principal features and
    character of these alterations.
    A closer assessment of the three significantly diverse countries illustrates different
    techniques and tactics to keep up with the contemporary progress or inefficiencies present in
    the policies and especially public diplomacy of Norway, Taiwan and Slovakia. A compound
    evaluation of the individual reactions to the new millennium changes attempts to bring more
    light to a compound picture of the 21st century smaller (and wealthier) state’s diplomacy and
    suggest whether or not these changes have had an impact on their foreign policy conduct and
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