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    Title: 從國家研究途徑分析高等教育與全球化的關係:台灣與中國大陸的比較
    Globalisation and Higher Education in Taiwan and Mainland China: State-Centred Approach
    Authors: 李佳容
    Lee, Chia Jung
    Contributors: 高永光
    Kao, Yuang Kuang
    Lee, Chia Jung
    Keywords: 高等教育
    Higher education
    state capability
    state preference
    world-class university
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-02-03 10:33:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文旨在探討在全球化的影響下國家與高等教育的關係。透過國家研究途徑的分析,本文企圖瞭解國家能力對於高等教育國際化的影響。本文發現,在過去的十年中,兩岸的在高等教育國際化方面均頗有成效,尤其在追求世界一流大學上更是不遺餘力。此種結果不僅是國家政策所致,也是高等教育機構積極推動的結果。隨著民主化的發展,臺灣的國家機器不僅有權力去中心化的趨勢,同時,國家機器也企圖讓高等教育導向市場化機制,不過由於國家機器對於高等教育機構人事以及會計制度的過多限制,致使高等教育機構看似被賦予更多權力但實際上在追求國際化的過程中並不擁有其高度自主性。反觀中國大陸,高等教育長期以來受到國家機器的掌控,其自主性並不高。然而在追求國際化的過程中,中國大陸之國家機器允許其頂尖大學擁有高度的自主性,並在國家政策以及國家認同的影響下,促使其高等教育持續朝向「具有中國特色的」的世界一流大學發展。本文認為,國家能力在回應全球化時,尤其是在促進高等教育國際化一環,扮演了關鍵角色。
    This study aims to understand the relations between state and higher education under the impact of globalisation. By adopting a state-centred approach, this study discovers how state capabilities may affect the internationalisation of higher education. By discovering the numbers of student mobility, academic cooperation, cross-border education and the ranking of world-class university in Taiwan and China, the study suggests that both countries have made a progress in the internationalisation of higher education in the past. Even so, in the pursuit of world-class university, Taiwan’s higher education institutions do not have as much autonomy as it looks. The state machine of China, allowing for autonomy in the pursuit of internationalisation in its top universities, help facilitate its higher education institutions to achieve the goals of internationalisation. The study concludes that state capability plays a pivotal role in the internationalisation of higher education confronting globalisation.
    Reference: English
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