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    Title: 調查權與治理機制
    Investigation Power and Governance Mechanism
    Authors: 鄒筱涵
    Contributors: 江玉林
    Chiang, Yu Lin
    Keywords: 調查權
    investigation power
    governance mechanism
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-02-03 10:26:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國家原係為鞏固人民生命、身體、財產安全而存在,後為防止行政權力過度擴張,避免侵害人民權益,故有權力分立考量。在權力分立下,良善調查權往往是有效節制行政濫權、防止行政弊端的主要設計,本文以為立法院與監察院的調查權,正好扮演制衡及防弊的角色。此外,本文由治理觀點出發,主張調查權應與時俱進,隨著經濟發展,人民著重高階需求,調查權的核心價值,亦應由傳統的管制力朝向市場力及自律力為主要目的。是以,國會應結合調查權與代替人民參與政治之角色,讓調查權發揮市場監督功效,並順應多數民意需要;監察院的調查權,更應轉為積極保障人權的角色,甚至轉型為人權保障機關,以發揮積極保障人民權益功能。
    The purpose of a country is to strengthen and secure people’s life, body and property. However, to prevent people from abuse of the government, most country divided the government power into different section. The investigation power is therefore designed for restricting abuse of power and avoiding malpractice of the government. This research proposed that the investigation powers of the Legislative Yuan and the Control Yuan may each achieve the goal of preventing abuse and malpractice. In addition, this research introduced governance mechanism and stressed that the position of the investigation power shall transform from ruled by order and regulation into ruled by market and self compliance. The Legislative Yuan shall act for the people to monitor the conduct of the Executive Yuan, and the Control Yuan shall take more aggressive role to protect human rights.
    There are six chapters in this dissertation. Chapter 1 included motivation, purpose, scope, methodology and restrictions of the research. Chapter 2 defined investigation power to the government and divided this power into check and balance power and anti-fraud power. Chapter 3 explained the investigation power to the government in our country and introduced the operation of this power in the Legislative Yuan and the Control Yuan. Chapter 4 illustrated the theory of governance and concluded three pillars of government governance: ruled by order and regulation, ruled by market and self compliance. Chapter 5 integrated investigation power and governance mechanism and discussed the transformation of the investigation power. Chapter 6 described the conclusion and suggestion of the research.
    Regardless the argument of three or five power, this research discussed the context of the investigation power from the point of the existence of the country. After analyzing related theory and practices in different countries, this research focused on the way to strengthen the function of investigation power in the Legislative Yuan and the Control Yuan and suggested the aim to enhance government’s effectiveness and protect human’s rights.
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