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Title: | 讀者劇場對台灣國小學童英語口語閱讀流暢度和學習態度之影響:個案研究 The Influences of Readers Theater on a Young EFL Learner’s Oral Reading Fluency and Learning Attitudes: A Case Study |
Authors: | 陳逸涵 Chen, Yi Han |
Contributors: | 余明忠 Yu, Ming Chung 陳逸涵 Chen, Yi Han |
Keywords: | 讀者劇場 閱讀流暢度 學習態度 Readers Theater reading fluency learning attitudes |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-02-03 10:14:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本個案研究旨在探討讀者劇場對一位參與英語補救教學的國小學童口語閱讀流暢度以及學習態度的影響。資料收集與分析主要採取質性之資料收集及分析法,以期對於讀者劇場教學之於國小學童口語閱讀流暢度和學習態度能有更深入的了解。參與本研究的學生為一位就讀於新北市公立國小五年級,從小一就開始參與補救教學的學童。研究期間自民國一百零三年三月至民國一百零三年五月,資料收集方式以課堂錄影觀察、教學日誌、半結構式訪談為主,以及每週閱讀流暢度檢測為輔。 研究結果顯示,在口語流暢度方面,無論是正確度、情緒和音量、斷句、流暢性以及速度等面向皆有所進步。另一方面,由於讀者劇場提供學生真實的表演機會,提高學生的自我效能感,給予學習者自主學習的機會,以及創造出合作學習的氛圍,學生在學習態度方面也因此有所提升。研究者根據這些發現,提出對讀者劇場應用於國小學童口語流暢度訓練和提升學習興趣的看法,及未來研究方向的建議,以期對英語教學能有更多建設性的研究貢獻。 This case study attempts to investigate the influences of Readers Theater on an EFL young learner’s oral reading fluency and learning attitudes. To achieve the purpose of this study, qualitative methods were adopted to capture a holistic understanding of the young learner’s oral reading fluency development and changes of learning attitudes. The participant was a fifth grader who studied in a public elementary school in Taipei City. He has been in a remedial English class since first grade. Data was collected from March 2014 to May 2014. The video-recordings of classroom observation, the teacher’s journals, the student’s learning log, one semi-structured interview, and multi-fluency assessments were utilized as data for the analyses of the influences of Readers Theater on an EFL young learner’s oral reading fluency development and learning attitudes. The results revealed that the participant improved his oral reading fluency and showed positive attitudinal changes while receiving the Readers Theater instruction. In terms of his oral reading fluency development, he first developed word recognition in accuracy; acquired prosodic reading ability gradually in expression and volume; learned to pause appropriately in phrasing; decreased hesitations while reading in smoothness; and increased reading speed in pacing. Moreover, his learning attitudes became positive, because RT provided authentic purposes for reading, increased his self-efficacy, and created an autonomous and cooperative learning atmosphere. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions were recommended for future research. It is hoped that this thesis will provide some insights into the dynamics of Readers Theater instruction as well as EFL young learners’ oral reading fluency development and attitudinal changes of learning. |
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