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Title: | 時尚美學的價值傳遞模式分析-以Select Shop為例 Analysis of Fashion Aesthetic Value Delivery Pattern - A Study of Select Shop |
Authors: | 吳弘舜 Wu, Hung Shun |
Contributors: | 李仁芳 吳弘舜 Wu, Hung Shun |
Keywords: | 時尚 風格美學 生活風格 選貨店 Select Shop Fashion |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-01-05 11:28:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現代人因為價值觀及生活形態的轉變,在消費過程中益發重視產品或空間的獨特感及新鮮感,以及其背後所蘊藏的「生活風格及美學」。因此,有別於傳統的百貨商場或品牌商店,一種新型的時尚經營生態興起 — Select Shop。
Select Shop指的是經由選貨者的眼光品味,挑選不同品牌、風格的商品帶回店內,獨特的呈現出一家具個人風格美學的店鋪,創造出文化價值及影響時尚。
本研究主要由「生活風格」及「文化迴路」理論為基底,探討國際知名且影響甚巨的Select Shop經營者及選貨者如何創造一家Select Shop的風格美學,以及如何傳遞其時尚或品味價值給消費者,成為一個具有獨特品味的品牌標的。
一、 影響Select Shop創辦人選貨風格的依據是什麼?而其經營者又是如何深刻地打造Select Shop的品牌風格,並感動人心? Select Shop創辦人選貨風格主要受到其生活美學的影響,而其個人特質、環境影響、社會位置三要素為形成其生活美學的關鍵。 由創辦人生活美學進一步呈現出外在的生活風格,並形塑出Select Shop與選貨的生活美學,創造屬於自己的選貨態度及經營理念所打造之獨特品牌。
二、 Select Shop的產品與品牌,如何精準且有效地傳遞其時尚價值、或品味價值給消費者? 將Select Shop的經營模式與文化迴路的理論鑲嵌連結,可以看出Select Shop的價值傳遞模式是否周詳深入,並借由逐點去加強發展。 「經營時間」會影響Select Shop與文化迴路之間的交融性 「人」(意指經營者、選貨者、員工)是Select Shop傳遞時尚價值時最重要的資產。 Due to the changes of modern lifestyles, people now not only pay attention to the uniqueness and freshness of products and the store ambience, but also the styles and the aesthetics. Therefore, unlike the traditional department stores or brand stores, a new business model of fashion retailing has rise–“Select Shop”.
“Select Shop”refers to a shop that carries a lot of different brands and styles of merchandise which are chosen and brought back to the store, showing a unique personal style of aesthetics, and creating a cultural value and impact of fashion.
This study is mainly composed of "Life style" and "Cultural circuit" theory as a base to explore how the internationally well-known Select Shop owners create the aesthetic and style of Select Shop, as well as how to deliver the value of fashion to consumers, become the subject of a brand with a unique taste.
In this study, the following conclusions:
The styles of Select Shop’s owners are mainly influenced by the aesthetic of their lifestyles, and their personal traits, environmental impact, social status. The aesthetic of the owners’ lifestyles presents in life style and shaping the Select Shop with life aesthetics selected goods. We can link the business model of Select Shop with Cultural Circuit Theory, checking the value of Select Shop transfer mode is detailed in-depth, and go through point by point by strengthening the development. “Run time” will affect the blend of Select Shop and Cultural Circuit Theory between the loop. "People" (meaning owners, buyers, designers and employees) are the most important keys when the Select Shop transferring their value to consumer. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 101359031 103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101359031 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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