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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/71761
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    Title: 建置公有雲服務之成熟度模型
    Developing the maturity model of public cloud services
    Authors: 陳楷
    Chen, Kai
    Contributors: 張欣綠
    Chang, Hsin Lu
    Chen, Kai
    Keywords: 雲端運算
    Cloud Computing
    Public Cloud
    Maturity Model
    Cloud Capabilities
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2014-12-01 14:27:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著雲端科技的發展以及它所帶來的效益,越來越多的企業願意視雲端服務為一個可行的IT解決方案。然而,不同的公司有不同的IT環境,因此在導入雲端服務時也處在不同的能力等級,而影響導入雲端服務為公司所帶來的利益。許多研究指出企業在導入雲端服務前應該注意的議題,但鮮少著重在導入雲端當下及之後所需具備的能力。因此本研究建置了一個公有雲服務的成熟度模型,由這個模型可看出: (1)企業目前的公有雲服務使用層級 (2)企業導入公有雲服務的能力狀況 (3)企業導入公有雲服務所獲得的使用效益與能力狀況之間的關聯。本研究整理過往研究,擬出三個公有雲服務使用層級,並也歸類出四項導入公有雲服務能力,分別為(1)IT資產 (2)整合能力 (3)重組與變換 (4)人力資源。本研究進一步透過問卷調查現有採用或是導入公有雲服務的企業,問卷內容在調查各企業目前公有雲服務使用的層級為何和各自擁有的能力為何,並進一步分析了解使用層級、導入能力與獲得效益之間的關係。研究結果發現,三項能力顯著影響使用層級,分別是IT資產、整合能力和重組與變換。研究也指出,若企業的使用層級越高,則會帶給公司更大的導入效益。
    With the improvement of cloud computing and its apparent advantages, companies are becoming increasingly interested in adopting cloud computing services as their IT solution. However, whereas some companies can obtain numerous benefits from the cloud, others can only obtain a few. In addition, the conditions of the IT environment vary from company to company; thus, companies may have differing levels of ability in terms of introducing cloud services. Previous research has shown several emerging issues that companies should address before they adopt public cloud services, but the research seldom focuses on the types of capabilities that companies should acquire after applying these services. This study develops a maturity model for public cloud services. Under this model, companies determine their current usage level of public cloud services and the types of capabilities they require to manage the adoption of public cloud services and to obtain more benefits from these services. After reviewing the previous research, we summarize four main capabilities for adopting public cloud services: (1) IT assets, (2) Integration, (3) Reconfiguration and transfer, and (4) Human resources.

    Our data were collected from web questionnaires. We received 158 responses, and after deleting those without sufficient data, we found 117 that were usable and complete. Then, we used the multinomial logistic regression to test our hypotheses. Drawing on this research, we reached four conclusions: (1) The three important capabilities that influence the support of using public cloud services are IT assets, integration and reconfiguration and transfer. (2) We ranked the importance of these three significant capabilities. (3) Once companies reach a higher usage level for public cloud services, they can obtain a higher benefit. (4) Human-based resources do not have a significant impact on supporting greater usage level of public cloud services. The results of this study can help companies to effectively migrate from their existing IT system to a cloud-based system.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100356026
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[資訊管理學系] 學位論文

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