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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/71759
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    Title: 優質新聞雜誌節目產製研究-以民視異言堂為例
    Program production of news magazine program - example of ";FTV Yi Yan Tang"
    Authors: 羅苡瑄
    Lo, Yi Hsuan
    Contributors: 彭芸
    Peng, Bonnie
    Lo, Yi Hsuan
    Keywords: 優質節目
    news magazine program
    quality of program
    program production
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2014-12-01 14:27:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在商業化的市場環境下,電視媒體往往追求自身利益而忽視其身為社會公器應發揮的作用,導致新聞與新聞性節目的品質下降。然而,在商業電視台當中,仍有受到許多獎項肯定的新聞雜誌節目。本研究以【民視異言堂】為研究對象,採用深度訪談的方式,探討(一)其在產製過程中,如何因應外部市場導向環境帶來的衝擊;(二)了解媒體組織的內部因素對於節目產製之影響,包括其產製理念與價值;(三)探討商業電視台如何維持具品質的電視新聞雜誌。

    In the commercial market environment, the television media tend to pursue their own interests while ignoring their social responsibility as the roles of the leading
    quality news and news program are in decline. However, in the commercial television which, still some of them produce award recognized news magazine programs. In this
    case study, the news magazine program [Yi Yan Tang, FTV], using in-depth interviews ways to explore (a) the process of its production system, how to respond to external market-oriented environmental impact; (b) to understand the media organization`s internal factors for the production system of the impact of the program, including its production system of ideas and values; (c) to explore how to maintain a good quality of commercial television news magazine.

    The study found that, in the face of the external environment of TV rating focus, commercial stations have to try to find a balance to take into account the marketability and public interest; in the media within the organization, the culture and goals affect the organization members for the news magazine quality standards of the program, but also train members of the organization in question to observe the depth and forward-looking, and the need to maintain program quality by members of the entire media organizations jointly maintenance and attention, training for program quality consciousness and alertness.

    Research proposals improve the quality of the program to look at the news and news program, manager and operation system must have the good motives and characteristics in order to make news-magazine programs and their social
    responsibility work.
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