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Title: | 我國對美軍購決策之研究(1992-2008) A Research on the Decision Making Process of R.O.C. Arms Procurement from the U.S. (1992-2008) |
Authors: | 李鎮宇 Li, Chen Yu |
Contributors: | 李大維 Lee, Ta Wei 李鎮宇 Li, Chen Yu |
Keywords: | 臺灣關係法 軍購 新古典現實主義 層次分析 外交決策模式 Taiwan Relations Act arms procurement neoclassical realism levels of analysis foreign policy analysis |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-12-01 14:21:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 美國與我國軍事關係,始於韓戰期間為免共產主義擴散至台灣海峽所進行的軍事、經濟援助,在1970年代因應美國亞太地區政策調整由無償性援助漸轉為對外軍事銷售的方式提供援助,依據美國1976年的「武器輸出管制法」(Arms Export Control Act, AECA)規定,美國國內武器製造商所產製的武器裝備,可經由「對外軍售」(Foreign Military Sale, FMS)「直接商售」(Direct Commercial Sale, DCS)二種管道外銷。而自1979年美國與我國斷交後,依據其國內法《台灣關係法》出售我國防禦性武器,延續至今。
研究方法上採文獻分析、參考回憶錄及決策參與者訪談對軍購清單提出、軍購預算通過兩部分進行分析與比較。本研究發現在軍購清單方面,兩位總統時期我國軍購清單皆產自國防部內部,依據專業軍事人員針對國家整體戰略需求,並與美國軍方進行溝通、評估而決定,參謀總長與國防部長擁有決策主導權,其透過軍事會談向總統報告情況,而總統亦尊重其專業判斷;軍購預算是否通過則受國內政治因素所影響。總而言之,兩時期整體軍購決策皆較符合外交決策模式中的政府政治模式(Governmental Politics Model)。 The military relationship between U.S. and R.O.C. can be traced back to the military and economic assistance during the Korean War. The assistance was transformed to foreign arms sales in 1970s. According to “Arms Export Control Act, 1976”, the U.S. began to sell its arms through foreign military sale (FMS) and direct commercial sale (DCS), and the U.S. has been conducting arms sales to R.O.C. based on “Taiwan Relations Act” ever since the revocation of diplomatic ties with R.O.C. in 1979. This research is to unveil the whole picture of R.O.C. decision making process of arms procurement from the U.S. by comparing how and to what extent the domestic factors such as the perception of decision makes, domestic political system as well as interaction between bureaucracies will influence its policy making during Lee Teng-Hui administration (1992-2000) and Chen Shui-Bian administration (2000-2008), and the Clinton administration (1993-2001) and Bush administration (2001-2009) from the perspective of U.S. The findings of this research indicates that the arms procurement list was produced within the Ministry of Defense, depending on the professional assessment and politics and benefits among military personnel, during Lee’s administration, the chief of general staff was in charge of the process, and the power was shifted to Minister of Defense in Chen’s administration, both presidents respected their professional decisions. And domestic politics such as the benefits of political parties and the lack of mutual turst between executive branch and legislature decides whether the procurement budget is to be approved. To sum up, the decision making process of arms procurement from the U.S. is similar to governmental politics model of foreign policy analysis. |
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