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Title: | 中國一類新藥發展與本土創新生技新藥公司成功關鍵因素 Domestic First-in-Class New Drug Development and the Key Successful Factors of the Innovative Bio-pharmaceutical Companies in China |
Authors: | 邱肇誠 Chiu, Dustin |
Contributors: | 陳桂恒 邱肇誠 Chiu, Dustin |
Keywords: | 中國 一類新藥 新藥分子 成功關鍵因素 創新價值鏈 產業供應鏈 新藥法規 新藥查驗登記 新藥保護 新藥開發 臨床試驗 公共衛生 重大疾病 藥品目錄 醫療保險 海歸學人 創新策略 逆向創新 不連續式創新 低破式創新 藥品招標制度 雙信封 國家食品藥品監督管理總局 貝達藥業 雙鷺藥業 中信國健藥業 先聲藥業 太景生技 喜康生技 默沙東 China (Chinese) first-in-class new drug new chemical entity (NCE) or new biological entity (NBE) key successful factor innovation value chain industrial supply chain new drug law and regulation new drug registration new drug exclusivity new drug development clinical trial public health critical disease drug catalog medical insurance overseas professionals innovation strategy reverse innovation discontinuous innovation disruptive innovation drug tender system double-envelop CFDA Bettapharma SL Pharm CP Guojian Pharmaceutical Simcere Pharmaceutical TaiGen Biotechnology JHL Biotech MSD China |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-12-01 14:18:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的是探討中國本土一類新藥發展與其創新生技新藥公司成功關鍵因素,並分別從中國或台灣廠商角度,探討中國生技醫藥市場未來的機會與挑戰。首先,本研究探討中國社會結構變遷如何驅動醫藥需求,中國醫藥產業價值體系各利益攸關者(stakeholder)各自扮演何種角色,以及之間互動的關係-包含控制機制、上下游關係,利益流動等。第二,中國新藥由科學創新到商品化過程中,包含法規政策、監管機關、臨床試驗流程、查驗登記流程、法規機關效能、新藥保護、創新創業、與政策輔導等因素如何運作,如何影響新藥開發的效率與成功機會;並就中國新藥創新創業體系、創新聚落、以及受矚目新創新藥團隊進行探討。第三,本研究並從過去曾擁有一類新藥研發成功經驗,並取得商業成功的本土公司,進行個案探討,歸納成功關鍵因素,以期提供中國生技醫藥產業創新之洞見,而提供中國與台灣企業,在未來中國醫藥市場創造價值的建議。
總結本研究藉由對中國生技醫藥產業價值體系運作各環節的梳理:對產業環境對創新優勢與挑戰的分析,對中國本土新藥成功企業個案探討,並與國際成功關鍵因素做對照與歸納,為台灣產業提出具體的策略建議,以期能掌握未來的商機,在中國創造成功優勢。 The aim of the research is to investigate both Chinese first-in-class drug market potential and the key successful factors of the Chinese bio-pharmaceutical companies that are specialized in innovative product development. The thesis also discusses opportunities and challenges of pharmaceutical innovation from both Chinese and Taiwanese companies’ perspectives. Firstly, the thesis analyzes social drivers of emerging unmet medical needs. It also identifies major stakeholders and their interplay in the Chinese bio-pharmaceutical industry. Secondly, from domestic scientific research to product commercialization, the thesis depicts how Chinese government policies and regulatory pathway work for drug innovation, and discusses how they influence on efficiency and successful rate of first-in-class drug development. It also puts spotlights on the ecosystem of Chinese bio-pharmaceutical innovation, including the value chain, research clusters, and selective start-ups which focus on first-in-class drug discovery. Thirdly, the thesis conducts case studies on companies which have proven track records in domestic first-in-class drug innovation and commercialization. Together, this study is trying to provide business insights for Chinese local and Taiwanese companies which wish to pursuit future opportunities in the Chinese market through innovation.
The first finding of the thesis suggests that ageing population, urbanization, and rapid economic growth drive new unmet medical needs of certain key therapeutic areas, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, respiratory and gastroenterology diseases. These diseases of affluence are growing rapidly not only in prevalence, but in mortality rates. However, currently, overall Chinese bio-pharmaceutical industry responds emerging demands poorly because generic business is its major focus. Moreover, high selling, general, & administrative (SG&A) expenses of the Chinese bio-pharmaceutical industry precludes drug makers from allocating sufficient business resource on innovation.
The thesis discusses future chances and challenges of Chinese new drug creation from both policy (top-down) and demand driven (bottom-up) perspectives. Domestic opportunities and challenges of the first-in-class drug innovation can be viewed from three major perspectives: the clinical study, government policy, and the overseas professionals. Firstly, cost effectiveness, large naïve patient pool, and ease of patient recruitments are key advantages of trial deployment in China. Secondly, the Chinese government authorities create solid innovation ecosystem to help local academia spin-off. The innovation ecosystem was maintained through providing both material assets such as research fund, tax reduction, and infrastructure, and services such as managerial consultation and mentor coach. Currently, China has four bio-pharmaceutical innovation clusters, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Sichuan. Synergies through resource sharing and technology externalization benefit greatly to domestic teams. Thirdly, overseas professionals help bring advanced research, global connections, experiences in management and commercialization, and spirit of entrepreneurship back to China. Recent successful stories suggest that overseas professionals could not only help connect Chinese clinical study with global network, but play key roles in future advances of Chinese bio-pharmaceutical innovation. On the other hand, outdated and rigid regulatory framework is the primary challenge of Chinese first-in-class drug discovery. Insufficient workforce and lack of experienced professionals lead to inept CFDA drug review process. Incompetent Chinese regulatory framework causes uprising risks and costs on innovation. In addition, quality clinical resource is generally inadequate and controlled by the government. Clinical sites for some medical specialties are rare. Thirdly, statewide pricing control and provincial tender system discourage incentives for innovation. In spite of many policy amendments for supporting drug innovation, the industry sees little real progress.
The thesis studies three Chinese companies (SL Pharmaceutical, Simcere Pharmaceutical, and CP Guojian Pharmaceutical) with proven track records on first-in-class drug innovation and commercialization. The analysis is based on previous conclusion of ITRI academic project “Key Successful Factors of U.S. And Global Emerging Biotechnology Companies”. The case study of Chinese firms concludes that there is no difference between global and local experiences of business success through bio-pharmaceutical innovation. Firstly, every successful business story has an active leader who prudently allocates company resources around its core competence. A visionary leader also plans for feasible management strategies that are relied on either internal research or external collaborations, including open innovation, research alliance, or merger & acquisition. Secondly, the overall innovation inadequacy of Chinese bio-pharmaceutical industry gives SL, Simcere, and CP Guojian Pharmaceutical chances to reap great benefits by providing differentiated first-in-class pharmaceutical products in various therapeutic fields. By efficiently responding to local unmet medical needs, these firms gain frontrunner advantages. Thirdly, these successful companies gain business growth through taking advantage of favorable policy and regulatory environments.
Based on above understanding and analysis of the Chinese bio-pharmaceutical innovation, the thesis would provide suggested action plans to Taiwanese firms. Foreign bio-pharmaceutical companies would face China-specific challenges such as limited accessibility to policy resources, innovation gap, and unpredictability of regulatory practice. The thesis suggests that reverse innovation strategy could help overcome these challenges and bring effective and safe innovative products to the market. Reverse innovation measures include business model renovation, disruptive innovation, product or service reposition, and innovative management. Creative measures that bring innovative products or services that meet local demands and flexible management style that responds changing business environment promptly can help Taiwanese companies gain business success in future Chinese market. 摘要.....................................................................................i
第一章 緒論..........................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機......................................................2
第二節 研究目的................................................................4
第三節 研究範圍、限制與說明.............................................5
第四節 論文分析架構..........................................................6
第二章 中國醫藥產業..............................................................9
第一節 驅動中國醫藥市場結構性因素..................................10
第二節 中國重大疾病分析與醫療需求..................................17
第三節 中國醫藥市場供應鏈...............................................25
第四節 小結:中國醫藥產業發展趨勢探討............................74
第三章 中國一類新藥價值鏈:由創新到商品化.........................79
第一節 中國一類新藥法規..................................................80
第二節 中國新藥創新環境................................................131
第三節 小結:中國醫藥產業創新挑戰與機會......................151
第四章 中國生技新藥公司成功關鍵因素:個案研究................155
第一節 國際生技公司成功因素.........................................156
第二節 個案研究目的與範圍............................................166
第三節 雙鷺藥業............................................................170
第四節 先聲藥業............................................................178
第五節 中信國健............................................................187
第六節 小結:中國生技新藥產業成功因素歸納..................192
第五章 討論:機遇與挑戰-由台灣生技新藥創新廠商為視角...199
第一節 前言...................................................................200
第二節 台灣藥廠進入中國策略.........................................201
資料庫...........................................................................229 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 101359014 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101359014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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