题名: | 性傾向就業歧視及積極行動:性別工作平等法的未竟之路 Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Positive Action:The Incomplete Mission of The Act of Gender Equality in Employment |
作者: | 林家平 Lin, Chia Ping |
贡献者: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei Chun 林家平 Lin, Chia Ping |
关键词: | 同志 性傾向 就業歧視 出櫃 積極行動措施 2010平等法 性別工作平等法 LGBT sexual orientation employment discrimination disclosure positive action The Equality Act 2010 The Act of Gender Equality in Employment |
日期: | 2014 |
上传时间: | 2014-10-01 13:49:05 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 同志人權在國際層級及世界各國均逐漸受到重視,然而目前針對性傾向就業歧視的研究文獻顯示,不論在西方或我國,對於同志的就業歧視仍然存在於職場之中。不過,針對未出櫃同志是否亦同樣遭受就業歧視? 這部分的討論往往受到了忽略。繼而,目前世界各國針對性傾向就業歧視問題大多採取立法禁止歧視的方式處理,不過立法禁止歧視的方式在處理就業歧視問題上終究有其侷限,對於長期遭受社會結構性歧視的弱勢群體來說,欲扭轉其結構上之弱勢處境是否需要採取更為積極的方式介入? 根據本研究之發現,在英國2010平等法的架構下中,性傾向不僅適用該法有關雇用及升遷積極行動相關規定,在工作場所內亦針對同志發展出多樣的軟性積極行動措施。而回頭檢視我國性別工作平等法則發現,我國針對性傾向就業歧視之立法仍停留於消極的歧視禁止階段。本研究主張應將性傾向積極行動法制化,於性別工作平等法內增訂辦理性傾向相關勞動統計、職場性傾向支持性措施、僱用獎勵措施、主動開發職缺並建置同志友善人力資源平臺,以及將性傾向歧視禁止及積極促進條款納入政府採購契約內等規定,才能使我國職場不再成為壓抑個人性傾向特質發展之場域。 LGBT rights are considered human rights nowadays. Unfortunately, according to current studies, employment discrimination based on sexual orientation consistently exists in workplace worldwide. A new question is, are LGBT people who remain in the closet also victims of employment discrimination? Followed by another question is, do we need a more progressive way to deal with employment discrimination toward LGBT people? The way most countries deal with this problem now is using anti-discrimination law, but there are limitations of this path eventually. In this study we have found that, under the Equality Act 2010 of UK, positive action applies to person who shared the protected characteristics, such as sexual orientation. As to Taiwan’s situation, the equality legislation in employment apply to LGBT people but is conservative. Therefore, this study suggests the legislation of positive action that applies to LGBT people is required in order to advance the mission of The Act of Gender Equality in Employment. |
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