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Title: | 統包模式對產業結構影響之研究 The Impacts of Turnkey Solutions on the Dynamics of Industry Structure |
Authors: | 林晏愷 |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 林晏愷 |
Keywords: | 統包模式 競爭優勢 |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-10-01 13:48:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 企業在成長過程中,評估本身在市場所在位置及手中握有資源的多寡,做為公司未來發展策略設定之依據。不論是領先者或者是扮演追擊的後進者,搶占市場的重要關鍵在於速度(time to market)。
在台灣手機產業中,除了求快也要求成本降低及產品功能齊全。因此在開發成本與開發時程都寄望能得到控制及減少的前提下,統包(Turnkey Solution)方案確實滿足了這些要求。依靠統包協助,手機產品可以快速完成開發並量產,並在短時間內進行市場的擴張;同時也有助於加速產品的更新率,達成產品多樣化目的。在仍屬於高額利潤的智慧型手機產業,製造商無不希望獲得更快的方式進行產品銷售並拉高利潤,也因為享有高額利潤,不斷吸引著許多製造商投向統包懷抱。
本研究觀察到統包模式原屬於新進入的供應商在切入近乎獨佔市場競爭中所採用的競爭策略活動,目的是侵蝕原有的供應商,這個本身擁有大量的通訊專利所建立起的技術門檻及市場優勢。但統包模式除了有效的協助供應商建立起本身的競爭優勢外,卻也大幅度的影響到採用統包模式的下游製造商。以五力分析及競爭基礎的觀點作為統包模式的分析理論,統包模式採用擴大本身的技術價值活動方式,提供all-in-one及all you can eat的服務模式,吸引希望降低成本的製造商及技術能力不足的製造商。但在不斷擴大技術價值活動後,也直接觸發了競爭基礎的轉移,製造商所持有的競爭優勢逐漸被統包吸納,製造商看似得到額外的力量,卻反而加速了產業的價格競爭。
本研究最後建議:統包,一個包著糖衣的毒藥,如果企業在無其他配套的經營策略規劃下採用統包模式的發展策略,則是直接將企業推送到不利的競爭位置。對於台灣的手機產業而言,統包模式已是既成的事實,台灣手機產業需要擺脫成本領先的思考模式,借力使力,善用統包模式為本身在產業競爭中爭取更多的緩衝時間及空間,讓企業可以選定更具競爭優勢的策略活動,讓企業可以轉型,不再以成本競爭作為唯一的工具。 Within the processes of developments of enterprise, it is significant in itself to evaluate the position of market and controlled resources to establish developmental strategies which corporations are able to depend upon in the future. Furthermore, regardless of the forward companies or backward ones, the crucial mission is time to market.
Within the cellular phone industry in Taiwan, the requirements of products for survival are fast, cost down and complete functions. Within the premise of cost down and time saving, the scheme of Turnkey Solution thus is the explanation. Depending upon the assistance of turnkey solution, the products of cellular are able to turn into mass production and as well as to be developed in short term, and then succeed in market expansion. Simultaneously, it is contributive to the purpose of diversified production by accelerate the renew ratio of product. The manufacturers attempt to improve the sale of products and raise its profits in this high-profit-earned industry of smart phone; in light of the high returns, the abundance of manufacturers is fascinated with the strategy of turnkey solution.
This research is to observe the turnkey solution and its strategic exercises within monopolistic market; the purpose of turnkey solution is to aim at intruding into the original manufacturers, which possess market superiorities and techniques threshold established by abundance of communicative information. Moreover, turnkey solution not only effectively supports suppliers to build up competitive superiorities, but also substantially influences on manufacturers who also adopted turnkey solution. To use five forces analysis and the perspectives of competition bases, turnkey solution adopts the way of improving the values of techniques, providing services of all-in-one and all you can eat matters, and appealing the manufacturers who attempt to decline cost and contain deficient techniques. Nevertheless, after the expansion of improving the values of techniques, this activity in the meantime detonating the transference of competition bases and the superiority of manufacturers may gradually be absorbed by turnkey solution. It seems manufacturers are able to get additional forces; acceleration of price competition is emerged, however.
Suggestions of this research are that turnkey solution is the poison covered with sugar coating, if an enterprise has no alternatives but only business development strategy of turnkey solution, the enterprise would be push into a detrimental situation. As for the cellular phone industry in Taiwan, since turnkey solution has been an unbreakable reality, the industry needs to break away from the ideology of cost orientation but transfers to turnkey solution, which can give corporations more time and space to strive for industrial competitions. Turnkey solution makes enterprises more competitive, and as well as makes them being restructured and gets rid of the solely situation of cost competition only. "目錄
謝辭 I
摘要 II
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第三節 研究架構 5
第四節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 統包模式 8
第二節 五力模型策略分析 9
第三節 垂直整合/價值鏈 16
第四節 競爭優勢 23
第三章 手機產業分析 29
第一節 通訊市場發展演進 29
第二節 手機產業發展趨勢 30
第三節 手機產業供應鏈 39
第四章 研究分析 41
第一節 統包模式出現後對於手機製造的產業結構的變化分析 41
第二節 統包模式出現後對於手機製造的產業結構的競爭優勢來源與競爭基礎分析 53
第三節 競爭優勢的轉換 59
第五章 結論與建議 61
第一節 研究結論 61
第二節 研究建議 64
參考文獻 72 |
Reference: | 參考文獻
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國際顧問工程師協會(FIDIC,Fédération lnternationale Des lngénieurs Conseils): http://fidic.org/
聯合國跨國機構中心(United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations ):http://unctc.unctad.org/aspx/index.aspx
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 101932110 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101932110 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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