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Title: | 東協五國服務貿易競爭力與自由化之研究 Study of Competitiveness and Liberalization on Trade in Services for ASEAN-5 |
Authors: | 易婉容 Yi, Wan Jung |
Contributors: | 童振源 Tung, Chen Yuan 易婉容 Yi, Wan Jung |
Keywords: | 東協五國 服務貿易 競爭力 自由化 ASEAN-5 Trade in services Competitiveness Liberalization |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2014-10-01 13:43:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於服務貿易重要性日益攀升,分析服務貿易競爭力與自由化成為我國當前重要經貿課題之一,本文透過探討東協五國服務貿易戰略、比較優勢及開放程度,來了解東協五國提升服務貿易競爭力與自由化的過程,對未來台灣在亞太經貿整合研究能加以補強。 本文採用文獻分析法探討東協五國對於服務貿易發展戰略與相關具體政策。並以BelaBalassa(1965)提出的顯示性比較優勢指數為評價競爭力的指標,對近五年來的東協五國服務貿易競爭力進行實證分析,了解東協五國服務貿易的比較優勢集中在何種服務業部門。再透過Juan Marchetti與Martin Roy(2008)的評價方式予以量化,進而分析東協五國服務貿易自由化程度。 本文研究發現東協五國除新加坡比較優勢集中於知識含量高的新型服務業如金融、保險、教育、研發等部門,其餘四國服務貿易競爭力有逐漸提升趨勢,但比較優勢集中在傳統的服務貿易如旅遊、建築部門;而東協五國總體開放程度水平偏低,此外,除新加坡部門開放項目最全面外,其他四國服務部門開放皆集中在特定傳統產業。綜合分析後得知,服務貿易比較優勢影響東協五國服務貿易部門之開放,但相關性不大,反而東協五國政府在服務貿易發展與開放上扮演著主導的角色,特別是優良的戰略與政策有助於一國貿易競爭力提升。 Because of the growing importance of trade in services, analyzing competitiveness and liberalization of trade in services has become one of the major economic issues for Taiwan’s government. Through discussing the strategies of trade in services, revealed comparative advantages, the degree of openness in all agreements on trade in services ASEAN-5 (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand) have signed, we will understand ASEAN-5’s competitiveness and liberalization on Trade in Services. It could be references for Taiwan to accede to economic integration in Asia-Pacific. This thesis used literature analysis method to explore ASEAN-5’s strategies of trade in services and policies in its service industry. Moreover, This thesis applied two quantitative methods based on the Bela Balassa (1965) to estimate revealed comparative advantages of trade in services of ASEAN-5 to explain the present situation of competitiveness and the Marchetti and Roy (2008) to calculate the degrees of openness in all agreements on trade in services ASEAN-5 have signed. There are three principal findings. First of all, ASEAN-5’s revealed comparative advantages of trade in services (excepting Singapore) are gradually in good conditions and focus on sectors such as tourism and construction. Singapore’s revealed comparative advantages are knowledge-intensive service industries such as finance, insurance, education, R & D and so on. Second, excepting Singapore, ASEAN-5’s real degrees of openness are not high and center on traditional sectors of trade in services. Third, after the analysis of competitiveness and liberalization, we find that revealed comparative advantages have some effect on degrees of openness. However, the correlation between the two variables is not significant. More important, the governments of ASEAN-5 play leading roles on the development and openness of service industry. |
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