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Title: | 我國高階主管特別管理制度規劃方向之研究:以對外開放競爭取才為核心之討論 Research of Senior Executives Administration System in Taiwan– the discussion of opening opportunity to external competitor as a core |
Authors: | 謝瀛隆 |
Contributors: | 江明修 謝瀛隆 |
Keywords: | 高階主管制度 全球化 政府再造 開放競爭 Senior Executives Administration System globalization government reformed opening competition |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-10-01 13:36:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 1980年代以來先進國家所進行之政府再造,其外在環境背景因素中,主因是企業部門面對經濟全球化(globalization)競爭壓力,轉為政府層次的國家競爭力,以及資訊及通信技術之急速變遷,衝擊政府運作方式,此一趨勢驅使政府職能因應轉換,也導致政府必須就其組織重新設計或調整並加速改革步伐。經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic and Development,以下簡稱OECD)會員國為應此趨勢,紛紛建構獨立的高級文官制度以為因應。至於我國除以行政院組織改造為主軸,打造精簡、彈性、有效能的政府外;考試院則提出「建構高階主管特別管理制度」規劃,參採OECD國家建構高級文官制度經驗,希望建立有別於現行一般公務人員之特別管理制度,以系統化延攬及培育推動國家政務主幹之高階常任文官,藉以回應外界之要求。 我高階主管制度應採何種取才途徑,一直是規劃過程中之重點,因以何種取才途徑為設計基礎,影響後續配套措施,諸如俸給、考核、訓練及退離機制等規劃。換言之,取才途徑之選擇,關乎整個特別管理制度之規劃。本研究認為確立對外開放競爭取才之政策目標,始能導引高階主管制度整體規劃方向。至於對外開放競爭取才相關配套如高階主管職務範圍及其外補比例,宜細緻化及彈性化。推動上需漸進並建構合理有效之誘因體系;亦應強化政策溝通及研訂外部人才培育計畫,以爭取高階文官對於政策之認同。未來則應以對外開放競爭取才為前提,重行檢視並研究各議題之妥適性,俾使我國高階主管制度更為妥善可行,更於制度實施後,能提升國家之競爭力。 Since 1980, government reformed in advanced countries because the external environment background and factors. Due to corporates were facing competitive pressure of economic globalization which turned the competition to the level of government, as well as rapid changes in information and communication technology that impact government’s operation. Hence government functions need to be converted and the structure need to be redesigned or reformed as soon as possible. The member of OECD (Organization for Economic and Development) built an independent senior civil service to respond these trends. In Taiwan, the main target is to redevelop Executive Yuan’s organization as well as create a retrench, flexible, and efficiency government. Furthermore, Examination Yuan planned “Building Senior Executives Administration System” based on OECD member’s experience of senior civil service in past years. The goal was to establish a special administration system other than the current one and to recruit and train senior civil service systemically as well as in response to public concern. Which recruiting method and devise basis should our senior executive service use was always our main concern because different method and measurement will effect stipend, assessment, training, and retirement etc. as planned. In other words, each method we take will result different administration system. It is suggested in the research that setting the goal of opening to external competition in government will lead the scheme for our senior executive service. Supplementary regulations for senior executive service need to be meticulous and flexible for open competition. Reasonable administration system should be built before moving to next step, as well as enhance communication policy and set up a training plan for external talent people to strive for senior civil service system identification. In the future, our government need to be focused on opening competition as a premise, and revise all the issues that might happen; this will result our senior executive service administration system more appropriate and make our country competitive worldwide after implementation. |
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