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Title: | 模板屬性對瀏覽行為的影響-以線上遊戲為例 The Impact of Template Attributes to User’s Behavior-Take Online Game as an Example |
Authors: | 陳妍樺 Chen, Yen Hua |
Contributors: | 傅豐玲 Fu, Fong Ling 陳妍樺 Chen, Yen Hua |
Keywords: | 模板比對 資訊氣味 搜尋理解連結模型 使用者經驗 線上遊戲介面設計 Template Matching Information Scent CoLiDeS Model User`s Previous Knowledge Interface Design of Online-Game |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-10-01 13:32:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 面對大量習慣用嘗試錯誤方式去學習使用複雜線上遊戲功能的使用者,如果沒有一個好的網頁佈局設計,會妨礙讓使用者易於上手。本研究試圖綜合以往在電腦學習認知方面的模板比對理論、CoLiDeS Model、及資訊氣味等相關研究,增強對線上遊戲介面設計的了解。本研究設計一個線上遊戲介面認知的實驗,用「仙劍Online」多人線上遊戲的介面為實驗工具,運用眼動儀去觀察受試者的瀏覽行為。「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)皆為介面設計的重要因素;這兩項因素可能會影響受試者對任務難易的知覺判斷與瀏覽行為的Pattern。這些差異會顯示在任務的「間隔多久時間看到正確區域位置」、「凝視次數」、「凝視正確區域佔全部的比例」、任務的「完成率」與任務的「使用時間」等資料上。經過本研究驗證可以明確的知道「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)何者為設計者首要考量之因素,在學術上能加強對CoLiDeS Model的了解,提出兩階段修正的認知模式;在實務上幫助介面設計師進行更有效的頁面設計和實用的建議。 A large amount of users practice the trial and error approach to learn to use complicated online games. This leads to low user perception of "easy to use" when the game lacks good webpage layout design. This study attempts to integrate previous studies on cognitive learning through computer including Template Matching, Information Scent, and Comprehension-based Linked model of Deliberate Search Model ( CoLiDes Model), to enhance the understanding on online game interface design. A cognitive experiment of online game interface was designed utilizing the multiplayer simulation game "Chinese Paladin Online" in an attempt to observe and record user’s browsing behaviors through the eye tracker. "Location of functional group " and "Icon" are important factor of interface design and affect user’s browse behavior pattern . These differences will appear in "Time spent", "Accuracy", "Frequency of fixation ", “ and "Time spent before first fixation on the correct position" of the tasks. We expect the results extended the CoLiDeS Model, enhanced understanding of the interface layout user cognition, and provided fruitful suggestions in how to further design on effective WebPages. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 101356039@nccu.edu.tw 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101356039 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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