Abstract: | 近年來大陸廣泛流行的「現代新儒學」一詞,定出了一份十五人的名單,我順著這條線索做出了一個三代四群的架構:第一代第一群:梁漱溟、熊十力、馬一浮、張君勱第一代第二群:馮友蘭、賀麟、錢穆、方東美第二代第三群:唐君毅、牟東三、徐復觀第三代第四群:余英時、劉述先、成中英、杜維明而港、臺、海外則流行「當代新儒家」一詞,那是指由熊十力開啟,唐、牟、徐發揚光大,而為第三代的杜維明等所繼承的一條線索。這一架構配合二十世紀二○年代對五四的反激,四○年代抗戰的刺激,六○年代港、臺的流徙,八十年代海外的傳播,四波的發展,乃可對這一思潮有一比較全面性的掌握與中肯的了解。 In recent years Mainland China conducted research of the so-called ”[Contemporary] New Confucianism” (hsien-tai hsin-ju-hsüeh). A list of fifteen names was adopted. I follow up this line of approach and find a structure of ”Four Groups in Three Generations” as follows:First Generation, First Group:Liang Shu-ming, Hsiung Shih-li, Ma I-fu, Carsun ChangFirst Generation, Second Group:Fung Yu-lan, Ho Lin, Ch`ien Mu, Thomé H. FangSecond Generation, Third Group:T`ang Chün-i ,Mou Tsung-san, Hsü Fu-KuanThird Generation, Fourth Group:Yü Ying-shih, Liu Shu-hsien, Ch`eng Chung-ying, Tu Wei-mingOn the other hand, in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and overseas, another term, ”Contemporary Neo-Confucianism” (tang-tai hsin-ju-chia), has been adopted. It refers to the movement initiated by Hsiung Shih-li, succeeded by T`ang Chün-i and Mou Tsung-san, and promoted by Tu Wei-ming and others overseas. Thus, the term ”New Confucianism” refers to the movement in the broader sense, while the term ”Contemporary Neo-Confucianism” stands for the movement in a narrower sense. The distinction would help remove a lot of unnecessary confusions and controversies.My structure-combined with the observation of four waves of development in the nineteen-twenties, forties, sixties, and eighties-would provide a nice bird`s-eye view of the movement developed so far, and also clues to look forward toward the future |