Abstract: | 根據Nolan(1979)的階段理論,組織應用資訊技術進行資料處理時可分成六個成長階段。Hughes & Clark(1990)以Nolan階段理論的模式研究調查發現,企業的資訊部門在引進CASE工具的過程中會經歷五個階段:醒覺(disenchantment)、接受(resignation)、試用(commitment)、實踐(implementation)及成熟(maturity)階段。有鑑於國內企業對軟體工程工具之應用需求日益增加,由於國內企業在組織規模、資訊技術等條件的限制,再加上中文環境的特性以及組織脈絡差異,可以預期國內企業在引進CASE工具的經驗應該與國外經驗上有相當的差異,因此在應用國外相關CASE工具導入理論時,應該需要做相關適域性的修正,這是本研究主要的研究動機。 由於我國軟體者使用CASE工具尚在啟蒙期,相關研究付之闕如,因此本研究先從了解國內使用CASE工具的企業中,研究其導入之階段性從而驗證Hughes & Clark提出之CASE工具導入階段模式在國內之適用性。 如上所述本研究之研究目的包括以下三項:(1)了解國內CASE工具的使用現況。(2)驗證Hughes & Clark的CASE工具導入階段模式在國內之適用性。(3)發現國內企業成功使用CASE工具之模式。 而根據研究目的,本研究之研究問題為:(1)了解國內企業使用CASE工具之績效。(2)分析國內企業導入CASE工具之階段次序。(3)發現國內企業導入CASE工具各階段之特性。(4)比較國內企業導入CASE工具之次序與Hughes & Clark所提之階段特性,數目及決定因素之差異。 透過集群分析的結果,我國導入CASE工具之階段分成三個階段最為恰當,而其階段特徵相似於Hughes & Clark(1990)五個階段中的接受,試用及實踐階段。而覺醒及成熟階段在本研究中無法觀測。而由於國內企業在各項資源條件與國外企業的差異,使得國內企業在引進CASE工具於系統開發上的成效相對低於國外企業,這一點也有待進一步的探討。 In a large-scale software development, software tools are frequently adopted to increase software productivity. However, too frequently the insertion of tools fails to bring about the desired improvement and the adopted tool ends up not being used as planned. As more organizations undertake Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools (CASE) in domestic market, issues in implementing CASE tools become a major concern. Hughes & Clark (1990) conceptualized the stages of implementing CASE tools and the major problems faced by management. Unfortunately, no empirical investigation was conducted in domestic market. Based on past theories and research related to implementation of CASE tools, this project intended to investigate the potential market of CASE tools in domestic market, and to understand the user satisfaction of using these tools. Accordingly, this project explores the proposition that the stages of implementation and the major problems faced by domestic organization are different from foreign organizations. 180 domestic organizations was involved in the study, among them 30 organizations were interviewed by our research members. Analysis of the results clearly demonstrates the difference. Based on the model of Hughes & Clark, a three-stage model was developed by this study for the implementation process of domestic organization. |