Abstract: | 許多國內、外企業實際應用資訊科技的案例顯示,資訊科技對於企業的行銷活動已產生很重大的影響,尤其是跨組織資訊系統技術性突破既有的行銷通路,不僅徹底改變了通路成員的競爭狀態,更顯著的影響到通路成員間的關係。行銷通路在於執行將產品由生產者移轉到消費者的工作,而能克服存在於產品/服務與顧客之間的時間、空間、物權等缺口,因此行銷通路的主要功能在於移轉通路成員之間的實體流、物權流、付款流、資訊流、及促銷流,而在近十年資訊技術和網路技術的快速發展,使資訊系統所展現的功能已能彌補存在於產品/服務與顧客之間的缺口,取代行銷通路的功能,並且還能創造出其他附加價值,根本改變了行銷通路環境和通路內的各種活動內容。 然而國外有關資訊科技影響行銷通路的研究尚無成熟之理論,國內在這方面的研究也還在萌芽階段,因此本研究以個案訪談的方法,探索國內企業發展資訊科技應用之背後動機與所產生的影響,以最簡單的觀念架構觀察國內企業,並且以問卷調查方式,進一步實際驗證使所發展的架構具有實務上的價值。 The adoption of information technology in marketing has been growing at a rapid pace. As the strategic importance of Information technology has increased, The impact of information on marketing channel has become more and more different from the past. A marketing channel performs the work of moving goods from producers to consumers. It overcomes the time, place, and possession gaps that separate goods and services from those who would use them. Recent technological developments in marketing channel has totally changed the environment and activities within channels. Information systems can fill up the gaps between goods/services and customers. It also create adding-value within channels. The purpose of this study is to understand the development of information systems in marketing channel by local firms and establish an interpretive conceptual framework for explaining the impact of information technology on marketing channel. The research will proceed with in-depth interviews and questionnaires to study the most representative cases in this country. |