Abstract: | 隨著產業的競爭環境日形激烈及顧客的需求日趨複雜,創造顧客滿意的重要性可說是與日遽增。如何創造顧客滿意儼然成為每家廠商所必須隨時思考的重要課題。本研究首先以ELM(Elaboration Likelihood Model)模式為基礎,提出決定顧客滿意的影響因素之整體模型。本研究認為顧客滿意主要決定於顧客在使用產品前與使用產品中所採取的訊息處理是中央或是周圍路徑。期望、失驗、及產品績效對顧客滿意的影響程度會因訊息處理方式的不同而有不同。 此整體模式隨即被應用到兩個實驗研究上。這兩個實驗研究皆是以來源國形象來創造不同程度的期望。實驗研究(1)主要探討當產品的績效表現對消費者而言是模糊或明確的時候,由來源國形象所創造的期望對失驗、產品績效、及顧客滿意的影響。如整體模型所推論,研究結果指出,當產品的績效表現對消費者而言是相當明確的時候,由來源國形象所創造的期望對顧客滿意沒有任何影響。然而,當產品的績效表現對消費者而言是相當的模糊時,由來源國形象所創造的期望則成為影響顧客滿意的主要因素。 實驗研究(2)主要是加入消費者產品知識的因素於實驗中。它主要探討當消費者擁有不同的產品知識時,來源國形象對期望及顧客滿意的影響是否也有不同。此實驗研究亦分別在當產品的績效表現對消費者而言是模糊及當產品的績效表現對消費者而言是明確的情形下進行研究。研究結果指出,無論是專家或非專家及不管產品的績效表現是模糊或明確的,來源國形象對期望皆有影響。然而來源國形象對顧客滿意的影響就會因受測者是專家或非專家而有不同。 本研究不僅可以使過去不同的顧客滿意理論得以有更合理的解釋,同時可以幫助行銷實務界在設計行銷方案時,研擬出更有效的顧客滿意的方案。 Because satisfaction is one ultimate goal of marketing activities, quite a lot of effort has been spent in developing a theoretical framework to explain the determinants, formation process, and consequences of consumer satisfaction. This study proposes a general framework to satisfaction formation. Based on central versus peripheral processing in each of the pre-usage stage and the product evaluation stage, the centrality of the traditional constructs (i.e., expectation, performance, disconfirmation) in satisfaction formation will differ. This framework is then applied in two experimental studies. Both studies used country of origin as the experimental stumili to generate different levels of expectation. Study one examined the effect of expectation, generated by country of origin image, on disconfirmation, product performance, and after-use satisfaction when product performance is ambiguous vs. unambiguous to the consumers. As predicted by the general framework, the results demonstrated that expectation had a trivial impact on satisfaction under conditions of low performance ambiguity. Expectation, however, was the major determinant of satisfaction under conditions of high performance ambiguity. The second study introduced an additional factor, consumer`s expertise, into the experiment. It examines the effect of country of origin on expectation and satisfaction when subjects possessed different levels of product expertise. Similar to study one, the experiments were conduced on an unambiguous performance product and an ambiguous performance product. The results showed that country of origin had an impact on expectation in both the novice and expert group regardless the ambiguity of the product performance. However, its effects on the post-trial satisfaction were dissimilar between the expert group and the novice group. The research has the potential of solving the inconsistencies among consumer satisfaction studies and of pointing to fruitful implications for marketing practitioners. |