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    Title: 小米手機之口碑傳遞模式探討
    A Study on Delivery Model of Xiaomi Mobile Phone by Word of Mouth
    Authors: 謝佳穎
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Keywords: 使用者參與
    user participation
    word of mouth marketing
    limited volume
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-09-01 13:56:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,智慧型手機成長快速,根據全球市場研究機構TRENDFORCE調查顯示,2013年第四季全球智慧型手機出貨季成長6.5%,達2億六千五百萬支,與去年同期相比成長32.2%。其中小米科技在競爭激烈的市場達成了全球市佔率3%的成績,同時被預估2014年手機出貨上看4,000萬支,取得空前成功。基於此,本研究試圖從使用者參與、口碑行銷與傳遞,以及被廣泛稱為「飢餓行銷」的限量銷售的手法等三個層面對小米所採取的創新作法進行探討,試圖瞭解小米如何在創立至今四年多的時間達成其餘競爭廠商望其相背的成就。


    In recent years, a rapid growth in smart-phone usage is observed. According to a study by market research agency, Trendforce, global smart-phone shipment grew at a pace of 6.5% in fourth quarter of 2013 and reached 260 million units. Chinese brand, Xiaomi, alone captured 3% of the global market share during the most competitive period of smart-phone business. It is expected that its 2014 shipment volume will reach 40 million units. Due to this remarkable achievement, this study will analyze the brand from the perspective of end user behavior, word of mouth marketing and the so called "hunger marketing" where limited editions are used, to explore the success of Xiaomi`s strategy and its position in the global market within a four year span.

    The research result indicates that in the early stage of Xiaomi`s establishment, prior to their involvement in hardware, the awareness were already establishing from forum discussion of service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty, and the development of MIUI. When the hardware eventually launched, Xiaomi`s selling point came not only from its low cost strategy, but they continued to participate in forum studies in consumer service level and naturally created brand viral. Consumer market research shows that leading awareness focuses on Xiaomi`s high performance/cost ratio. To build on this advantage, Xiaomi uses a limited volume strategy to create brand viral and prolongs product life cycle. It takes advantage of the declining price trend of key components to lower manufacturing costs and income from the software services to enhance operating profit.

    Further study is recommended on the benefits and results of limited volume strategy, user participation and word of mouth marketing.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101359016
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