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Title: | 貿易依存度對貿易夥伴薪資差距之影響-以中國大陸為例 The Influence of Trade Dependence on Salary Differences among Trade Partners:Evidence from Mainland China |
Authors: | 永薇 |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 永薇 |
Keywords: | 經貿 薪資差距 追蹤資料 Trade Salary Differences Panel Data |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-09-01 13:53:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自從中國大陸實施改革開放以來,隨著國際貿易越趨頻繁,對外之貿易依存度也逐漸上升,而迄今已成為貿易大國。而依據國際貿易理論,在滿足了要素稟賦理論全部條件的情況之下,自由的國際貿易會造成商品的相對價格趨於均等。而像中國大陸這種勞工豐沛的大型經濟體系融入了國際貿易體系,則將會促使與中國大陸經貿往來較為密切之國家與中國大陸之薪資差距逐漸縮小。故本文將利用中國大陸貿易夥伴之實證分析來探討貿易依存度對薪資差距之影響。 本文蒐集了2000年至2011年與中國大陸貿易關係較為密切的20個國家與中國大陸經濟變數之追蹤資料(Panel Data),包括:工業化程度差距、失業率差距、女性就業人口比例差距、教育程度差距,及上述國家對中國大陸之貿易依存度及中國大陸對該國之貿易依存度作為本研究之解釋變數,並以與中國大陸之薪資差距作為被解釋變數。將各數列資料進行單根檢定,經LLC單根檢定法判定所有數列皆為定態,再將各該數列以固定效果模型進行實證分析。 實證結果顯示,貿易夥伴對中國大陸之貿易依存度和與中國大陸之薪資差距,在1%的顯著水準之下呈現負向顯著影響,表示當各貿易夥伴對中國大陸之貿易依存度越高的時候,與中國大陸之薪資差距將會越小。而此結論與要素價格均等化之定理結論一致,故整體而言,國際貿易導致的薪資牽絆效果(Lock-in effect)獲得了實證上的支持。 Since the implementation of reform and opening up in Mainland China, with increasingly frequent international trade, the dependence of foreign trade is gradually rising, but so far has become the largest trading nation. And based on the theory of international trade, under the circumstances to meet all the conditions of the endowment theory, free international trade will cause the relative prices of goods tend to be equal. And like the Mainland China such a large labor abundant economies into the international trading system, you will be prompted more closely with Mainland China `s national economic and trade exchanges with Mainland China salary differences is gradually narrowing. Therefore, this article will be to explore the impact of trade dependence on the use of empirical analysis of the salary differences trading partners in Mainland China. This paper collected from 2000 to 2011 trade relations with Mainland China more closely panel data from 20 countries and Mainland China Economic variables, including: the differences between the level of industrialization, the unemployment rate differences, the differences between the proportion of the female workforce, education differences, and the dependence of these countries on trade in Mainland China and the Mainland China to the country`s trade dependence as explanatory variables of this study, and in Mainland China with the salary differences is interpreted as a variable. The number of columns in each data unit root test conducted by LLC unit root test method determines all the series are stationary state, then the number of columns in each of the fixed effects model for empirical analysis. The empirical results show that dependence on trade of trading partners in mainland China and the salary differences with Mainland China, under the 1% significance level showed a significant negative impact, which means that when all trading partners in Mainland China `s dependence on trade higher time, and the salary differences in Mainland China will be smaller. And this conclusion is consistent with the theorem of factor price equalization, so overall, lock-in effect resulting from international trade gained empirical support. |
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