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    Title: 社區治理中公私協力過程之探討—以辛亥隧道上方中埔山開發案為例
    Investigating the public-private partnerships for communitarian governance:A case study of the development of Chung-Pu Hill above Hsin-Hai Tunnel
    Authors: 陳美滿
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Keywords: 社區治理
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-09-01 13:52:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社區因為地域環境關係成為居民最為相互依賴的一個地區組織,社區是關係人民切身利益的地方,沒有人比社區居民更了解自己的需要。而現今政府大力推動社區營造,社區儼然已成為政府治理的最小單位,而社區治理呈現了政府與公民的協力成果,對民主的深化更具關鍵性指標。本研究為了解政府願意共同參與解決社區公共問題,形成社區治理的關鍵因素及公民力量主動促成公私協力的關鍵因素,經由文獻分析法、個案研究法及深度訪談,針對個案關鍵行動者中埔山步道協會、朝野二黨民代及巿府官員共8個人進行深度訪談。
    A community is an organization in which habitants are closely dependent upon with each other due to terrain and circumstances. No one understands the needs of the livelihood more than the members of the community themselves. The Taiwanese government has advocated the development of communities for decades and communities have become the minimal unit of governance. The community governance reveals the cooperation between the government and citizens, and thus symbolizes a key index for the development of modern democracy. The present study utilizes literature review, case study, and in-depth interviews to investigate the willingness of government entities to participate in local community problems, as well as the crucial factors of developing communitarian governance , and the key elements of public movements that contribute to public-private cooperation. Eight participants, including five key advocates from the Chung-Pu Hill Path Association, two local representatives from both the Kuomintang (KMT) Party and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and an official of Taipei City Government, receive in-depth interviews.
    The results show that the city government officials appear willing to cooperate with citizens to resolve the controversies confronting the community. The crucial factors of forming communitarian governance include (1) community citizens make good and balancing use of both KMT and DPP, (2) community residents rationally participate in the community affairs to earn trust from the public sectors of the government, and (3) community participation enhances legitimacy ranging pure self-interest to public-oriented interest. In addition, the key elements of public movements contributing to public-private partnership point to (1) Association of Chung-Pu Path becomes an important platform to strengthen local citizen awareness, and (2) community citizens discover the richness and diversity of the local community with their expertise, which then becomes a driving force to integrate public-private interests.
    Based on the previous results, four aspects of practical suggestions regarding public-private partnership are proposed. First, community resources need to be integrated. Second, local senators from both political parties can be consulted to conduct the negotiation inside the system. Third, the legitimacy of community issues should be emphasized for more bargaining power. Fourth, community campaigns need to be rational and take the interests from all the entities into consideration.
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