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    Title: 自然科學期刊引文特性研究
    A Citation Characteristic Study on Journal Literature of Natural Science
    Authors: 林彥均
    Lin, Yen Chun
    Contributors: 蔡明月
    Tsay, Ming Yueh
    Lin, Yen Chun
    Keywords: 自然科學
    natural science
    citation analysis
    content analysis
    citation pattern
    literature obsolescence
    citation type
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-09-01 13:47:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究根據2011年科學版期刊引用報告,自化學、化學工程、微生物、醫學、植物學等五個學科擇國內、國外期刊各一種共10種自然科學期刊,抽樣2012年一年間出版之300篇研究型論文作為研究對象,採用引用文獻分析法與內容分析法,收集樣本論文所引用之參考文獻及引用文獻,分析其資料類型、語文、數量、年代分布、引用年齡中數與引用文獻類型,並使用統計方法檢驗國內外各學科樣本的同質性,以探究並比較國內各學科自然科學期刊論文的引用模式、文獻老化現象與引用文獻功能,進而了解自然科學期刊的引用文獻特性。
    To better understand the journal citation characteristics of natural science, the current study addresses the issue in aspects of citation patterns, literature obsolescence, and citation function. Document type, language, quantity and year of references, median citation age, and citation type of structured research articles are collected and analyzed using methods of citation analysis and content analysis; various tests for homogeneity are conducted as well. 300 articles are collected as samples from 10 source journals indexed in 2011 Journal Citation Reports (Science Edition) in chemistry, chemical engineering, microbiology, medicine, and botany, with one domestic journal and one foreign journal in each discipline.
    According to the results, journal articles are the most common document type among references in the 10 source journals. English publications are the major source of references, while Chinese publications are referenced by not only domestic journals but some foreign journals as well. As for references cited in the sample articles, the averages of reference number in foreign journals are generally higher than those of domestic journals in each discipline. In view of literature obsolescence, articles in the 10 source journals tend to cite literature published within 10 years, and the references collected from sample articles age faster than those of social science and humanities disciplines examined in previous studies. With respects to citation type proposed by Peritz, “setting the stage for the present study” appears the most in all source journals with chemical journals ranking first. Percentage of “background information” is the highest in the source journals of microbiology, “comparative” in medicine, and “argumental, speculative, hypothetical” in microbiology. The differences between domestic and foreign source journals in the five disciplines primarily occur in "setting the stage for the present study," "methodological," "comparative," and "argumental, speculative, hypothetical," while the distribution of citation type is more equitable in source journals of botany and microbiology.
    The findings of the current study may serve as reference for information institutes or constructors of citation index database, and provide some directions for future studies.
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