Abstract: | 經濟體制轉型成功的關鍵在於國家是否能推出良善政策與支持及維護市場運作。因此,在理解中國大陸改革開放以來所展現的經濟成就時,重點在於國家與市場間並非零和關係,而是相互調適。透過發展管制機制,國家得以管理市場,規範企業。因此,政府不是單純地放棄控制與干預的角色,放任市場運作,而是轉型為客觀的治理者,引導市場發展。然而在實證經驗中,經濟治理卻存在多種模式,如專責的部委、宏觀治理機構、業務治理機關、獨立管制機關,也反映出不同的政企關係。由此引導出本計劃的核心問題:中國大陸政府為何採取不同的方式監管產業部門?亦即,經濟治理模式多元化背後的政治邏輯為何?本計畫透過檢視產業的私有化與自由化兩個自變項,解釋經濟治理模式的差異。本計畫主張在維持社會主義體制並引進市場機制的前提下,產業改革政策的差異決定了該產業的政府管制模式。本計劃的重點有二:一,從政企關係切入,提供研究當前中國政治經濟一個新的分析途徑;二,說明在社會主義市場經濟的架構下,經濟治理的模式並非由經濟邏輯決定,而是由國家與市場間的政治互動決定。因此,政府如何管制企業行為不是促進經濟健全發展的方法,而是經濟改革過程中不同行動者互動的結果。 The success of economic transition depends on whether the state could promulgate effective reform policies and ensure fair and competitive market operation. While China has achieved great economic growth in the past three decades, the relationship between the state and market has been demonstrated as a process of mutual adaptation, not a zero-sum game. With developing the regulatory systems, the state has been able to monitor the market and regulate the enterprises. Therefore, the state has not simply retreated and let the market operate freely, but transformed into an impartial referee and contributed to the market development. Nonetheless, we observe a variety of economic governance models, such as the line ministries (e.g. Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), comprehensive commissions (e.g. National Development and Reform Commission, State Assets Supervision Administration Commission), ministry-level regulatory authorities in charge of specific affairs (e.g. State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Environmental Protection), and independent regulatory agencies (e.g. State Electricity Regulatory Commission, State Banking Regulatory Commission), which reflect different state-industry relations. Against this background, this project aims to explain the puzzles: why has the Chinese state developed different institutional designs to regulate the industries while reforming the industrial sector? What is the political logic of economic governance in China? By examining the policies of liberalization and privatization, this project clarifies the variation in state regulation across different industries. It argues that while the Chinese state has preserved the socialist regime with introducing the market mechanism, different reform policies have led to diverse regulatory models. In this project, we mainly rely on archival studies and content analysis with in-depth interviews and statistical data analysis. Based upon this research agenda, this project focuses on the following subjects: the evolution of China’s industrial policies and regulatory systems; the interaction between the actors including the government entities and both the state and private sectors, a historical review of the regulatory development across industries; and the discussion on business lobbying. This project contributes to the scholarship on comparative politics and China Studies by providing an innovative approach to analyze Chinese political economy. It also illustrates a reality that the regulatory models are the outcomes of a complex interaction process among many actors during economic transition. |