Abstract: | 本文順著科學哲學發展的歷史脈落,以各派科學哲學的觀點分析科學思考中的創意來源與創造性歷程;到目前為止,分析的結果發現:第一,傳統所謂的歸納法其實是一種「假設-驗證」的歷程,但對於如何創造假設,卻沒有任何說明;第二,邏輯實證論對「發現之脈落」存而不論,造成許多人將科學創造的歷程視為神祕、非理性的歷程;第三,批判思考與創造思考之間,可能具有互相抑制、也可能具有互相助發的關係,總之兩者之間具有密切而難以分割的互動關係,任何有價值的創造都同時需要這兩者;第四,典範既會束縛創造,也會幫助創造,其創造性可能表現在應用、詮釋和預測,但典範之更新則需要危機的刺激;第五,科學發現與科學創造是兩個難以區分的歷程,新事實的發現通常借助於新理論的發明;第六,科學理論與科學方法的多元化,有助於科學創造與科學革命;第七,領域發展與創新是一個拔靴自助的歷程,科學發現雖無邏輯可尋,卻有理由可尋。 This article analyze the possible process and context of creativity in scientific thinking according to the viewpoints from historical development of philosophy of science. It was found that: (1) The so called "inductive reasoning" is actually a "hypothesis-testing" process; (2) Logical positivism leave the "context of discovery" in black box and therefore leave a mysticism about scientific discovery; (3) Creative and critical thinking can facilitate and inhibit each other, resulting an intimate relationship and essential tension between the two; (4) Paradigms can constrain as well as facilitate creativity with possible facilitating effects from helping novel prediction, interpretation, and application; (5) Since the discovery of new facts is usually through the invention of new theory, the distinction between so called "scientific discovery" and "scientific creativity" is blurred; (6) Theoretical and methodological pluralism in science can promote the probability of scientific discovery and revolution; (7) The growth and innovation of a knowledge domain is a bootstrapping process, in which there can be no logic but there should be some good reasons. |